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"Hey, Richard" I reached out softly.
" Hey.. Em... Look, I'm so sorry that I let you down." he replied as he burst out in tears. I went on to rub his tears for him as we hugged each other and cried together for another few minutes.
Richard was a 17 year old youngster. He has always been a bright student. He has always been the best son, best brother and the best player. His smile was contagious as his bright smile could brighten anyone's day. Until one fine day he started noticing red spots on his body, he couldn't play his games frequently anymore as he felt fatigue. He had loss of appetite and gradually lost about 10 kgs. They finally went for a check up and it was determined that he had blood cancer. He was at his final stage. After the diagnosis, he went out lesser and eventually he insisted that he would drop out of school. He had given up on life. He had tried to end his life twice and today it counted for his third attempt. I had been giving him counseling after he had attempted to end his life twice for the past 3 months.
"That's OK, Richard. We can still fight this together" I whispered to his ears as I slowly lifted my head from his shoulder and sat next to his hospital bed.
" Thank you Emy for being here. I'll try harder this time." Richard replied as his tears continued flowing from his eyes that it wet his pillow and we had to change it. I stayed right next to Richard until he fell asleep.
" Thank you Emy for coming here. We're always grateful for you. He always listens to you. If it wasn't for you we could have lost him." Mrs. Chan (Richard's mother) stated as tears rolled from her eyes.

Buzz! Buzz!
"Hello" I responded as I was still in the bed trying to keep my eyes open.
" Emy" a voice replied from the other side of the phone. He sounded like he was scared and of something.
"Emy.. Come here as soon as possible. I'm at home. I have blood all over me.... I'm scared. I don't want to die... " the voice continued and it couldn't speak further as it choked.
" Richard.. Is that you? Just stay there. Be calm. I'll be right there and don't cut the call. Stay with me in the line" I replied as the word 'blood' was enough to throw me off the bed. I had no time to do anything. I just picked up my keys and dropped straight to Richard's house. I knocked at the front door where Mrs. Chan greeted me but I had no time for it. I went straight to Richard's room.
"Richard, can you hear me? It's Emy.. You can open the door now. Don't be scared" I screamed as I knocked his room's door.
Richard finally opened his room's door. The scene was horrifying with Richard's body fully covered in blood and blood still dripping from his hands. I had no time to ask what had happened. He had cut his wrist open. I straight took him inside my car and covered his wrist with the bandage lying on the emergency kit of my car and headed towards the hospital. I had still not explained to his parents about what had happened and looking at his blood covered body Mrs Chan almost fainted but Mr. Chan took a hold of her. They followed us in their car to the hospital. After a long wait the doctor finally came out of the Operation theatre to tell us that he's doing fine now and he's out of danger. All of us took a sigh of relief finally.
"Sorry, Mrs. Chan that I burged in your house. " I replied.
" Oh, no, no. Don't mention it, Emily. By the way, you can go home now. Your mother must have been worried. I have seen your phone ringing for the past 2 hours but you haven't attended it. It's fine now, you can go home. We're here. "
I checked my phone to find out that my mother had called me 65 times but in the rush I couldn't even hear it.
" Hey, Mom" I responded as I walked towards my car.
" Emily,  are you fine honey? I saw you running out of the house and you didn't even respond to my phone calls. Is everything, okay?" my mother panicked.
" Yes, Everything's OK now I believe. That's a long story, mom. I'll tell you once I reach home. I'm driving back home, now. " I replied as I disconnected the call.

While driving back home I kept thinking about how unfair can life be to someone. Richard is just 19 and he has to deal with all of this issues. For a moment, I felt like my efforts had failed because he still felt like ending his life. But I reminded myself that he called me up because he trusted me and at the end of the day he didn't want to die. Every life is worth it no matter how short or how long it is. Nobody wants to die. It's just that sometimes it's too loud outside that we decide to shut it forever.
           You matched with Blake

Blake: Hey, beautiful.
Emily: Hi.
Blake: Is that your real name?
Emily: Yes.
Blake: OK. That's a really pretty name.
Emily: Well, thanks.
Blake: So, where do you live?
Emily: 96 miles away from you. (as shown on tinder)
Blake: OK.. Haha.. Smart reply. But tell me where do you live exactly?
Emily: I just replied 96 miles away from you.
Blake: I know but where exactly?
Emily: My mother told me that I am from heaven.
Blake: Hahaha! You're funny. But I'm serious. Where are you from?

               Unmatch from Blake

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