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" Shall we go for a walk, Rich?" I asked as I looked outside the window.

Richard was finally home after a stay in the hospital for a week. Everyone was rejoicing his return. On the day of his return we had a small party which consisted of close friends and family arranged for him with everyone dressed as different characters of Avengers (which happened to be Rich's favorite). Richard was trying his best to be happy and all of us were aware of how broken he was from within but we wanted to make him feel normal for as long as we could just like other boys of his age. Finally it was time to face the truth and talk to him about it and being a counselor I decided to take the difficult job.
We were sitting in his room exchanging snacks talking about how life has been to us just like friends. It felt as if the long lost friends have united.
"Shall we go for a walk, Rich?" I asked as I looked outside the window. It was evening and I thought it would be great to walk outside and enjoy the sunset together.
We walked outside and sat on the bench right across the street. There was a small pond nearby and we could see children throwing the bread crumbs to feed the ducks swimming in the pond. I could see a smile running across Richard's face. And looking at him smile I felt like it must have been the best choice of my life to bring him here.
" Thanks Emy for walking me here" said Richard. He must have noticed me peeping at him with the corner of my eyes.
" Well. You're always welcome " I replied as I smiled.
" You know, Emy. It has been hard on me. Few weeks ago I ran across my mother sobbing and my dad consoling her. They were talking about how they feel sorry whenever they see me.
I don't want anyone to pity me..... But.. You.. Know.. Em.. But" he couldn't continue further as his tears choked  him up.
" I get you, Rich. Just take your time. I'm here to listen to you." I replied. Rich reminded me of myself when I had serious depression issues. When I was in my teenage I closed up myself to almost everyone. That's when I met Skitzo and life has been working fine since then.

"Look, Rich. I know what you have been going through. It must have been hard on you but I want to remind you that you are just as normal as anyone. I want you to live your life as normal teenager. I want you to go out,  play outside, make friends, learn something new. I really want you to live your life to the fullest. When I was your age, I was really depressed and I would say I missed out on lots of things."
" Emy, do you think I'll live long?"
" How about I ask you the question? Do you think, I'll live long? ".
We looked at each other for sometime and silence followed.
"We're never sure what life will bring us to. We don't know what it has planned for us but each day counts as one lifetime. So every morning when we wake up. We have already completed one lifetime and then it is a new journey again. No-one knows when they are going to use their last chance. So rather than counting backwards. I want you to count your everyday as a new chance. Live it as if it's your last. " I replied as our eyes met again. At this he smiled and I smiled. He looked like he was satisfied for the day with my answer.
"Thanks, Emy. I guess you should go home now. It's getting dark. I know what I should do now. I want to be here alone for sometime." Richard said as he smiled .
" Oh! OK.  But are you sure about this? You'll be bored alone." I insisted as I wanted to take him back home safe.
" Emy, trust me. I'll call you." he replied as he gave me a strong look. His gaze was strong and I knew he could be trusted. I went to my car and went straight to my house. He called me at the night.
"Emy, I guess I am going to school again. I know it will be hard but I want to feel like a normal kid." he replied.
" That's a great news, Richard. I shall root for your interesting life from now on. You'll have more things to tell me." I replied excitedly.
We talked for a while before we hung up. I felt like a proud mother. I was glad that Richard was ready to give himself a second chance. This time he wanted to live for himself and not for anyone else.
         You matched with John

John: Heyo
Emily: Hi
John: How was your day?
Emily: Pretty Good. How was yours?
John: Great. So I see you're entrepreneur. What is your field of work?
Emily: I am a co-owner of a bar which I started with my friend. I counsel people on mental health issues.
John: That's great. Being someone who has been through it. I know how important it is to talk about it.
Emily: Yup. It is important issue. I'm glad that you told me about it. So how's your current update?
John: I would say I have started to find new ways to cope up with it. I have been learning martial arts for quite sometime to keep my mind calm and concentrated.
Emily: I'm glad that you have found your own way to cope up with it. I guess everyone needs to find their own ways to cope up with it.
John: I completely agree. So how long have you been on tinder?
Emily: Quite some time now.
John: Ohk.. So I see that we are just 9 miles apart. So if you're down for it. We can talk more about it sipping a cup of coffee.
Emily: Great. I'm down for it.
John: So how about tomorrow?
Emily: Tomorrow. Hmm.I'm free in the afternoon.
John: OK cool.. You decide the place.
Emily: So, are you on instagram?
John: Yes, I'm.
Emily: What's your username?
John: leejohn
Emily: Great. See you there.
John: See yaa

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