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"So, you mean it's my fault?" my mother yelled at my father.
" Why are you yelling at me? I just wanted to tell you that you've been working a lot outside and I'm left with taking care of the house by myself the whole day! " my father clarified.
" We have three kids, Kento! I can't just sit back. I don't want to overburden you. Is it my fault that my work is a 9-5 job, now?" my mother broke down.
"I don't know anymore. I just think we have had enough of space between us." my father replied as he hold his tears looking towards the television which had the movie 'Family' premiering on it.
"Even I'm tired of having to fight with you everyday. We just don't get each other." my mother stated.
"Yeah, right. I'll just go to bed. It's exhausting! " my father said as he walked towards the bedroom.

This was the last time that I remember of them arguing. The coming week they negotiated to get a divorce. They were referred for counseling but it never worked. The gap between them had enlarged to the extent that it couldn't be undone or mended in any way. Finally the court ruled on my parents divorce. They were divorced now.

Their divorce was a big blow in the life of three of us because we were to choose between our parents. We chose neither. However, we stayed back with our mom and my dad shifted in the apartment next to ours so that we could live closely. Few years later, he moved away and started his own family. My dad always welcomed us but we felt like we should give him a chance to live his own life in his own terms.

Since then our life has changed a lot. My brother decided to live in a dorm. I stayed back with my mother and my sister got married. I have somewhat decided to not get married because I knew how it was to get separated and start all over again. I knew the pain it took for two individuals to make their marriage successful and sometimes it doesn't even have a good ending. I had all soreness on my mind.
          You matched with Sam

Sam: By your photos.. I see your days are going pleasant.
Btw Hi.

Emily: Hey

Sam: Don't mind me being prelude to the name. But are you a nearby lady in Canada?

Emily: I could have been your next door neighbor in Canada (if you are from Canada ) but SARS-CoV-2 played its own part n today I m  quarantining elsewhere in a quite location with fam.

Sam: Ohhh ...  Well darn it to Covid-19 then! even If situation would have been benign, I wouldn't mind creating the idea of knowing you by conversing here as well!

Emily: OK.. Great.

Sam: Ahh.. not that young by age .. only the face resembles the young attraction.
Love your specs btw.
So you a small talk small world person or wise deep talk with a blunt one?

Emily: Depends upon how you approach and how you perceive.

Sam: My approach is genuine.. I see an interest in vibe.. I adore one.. if the vibe doesn't seem to suit, I adapt to it then.

Emily: So I see you believe in zodiac. Judge me based on my zodiac. It's Aries.

Sam: And ofcourse... Being a one women man, I only prolonged to friendly notions. Hmm.. Aries ... So let me guess. You're a passionate, motivated, and confident person who builds community with their cheerful disposition and relentless determination. But is quite good with showing tantrums based on who is close to u.. in a loving way...
Correct me if m wrong.

Emily: What about? How am I when it comes to relationships?

Sam: Haha! well as per my range of expertise with my past. And to be really honest without any egos: in a relationship when it comes to fights, even though your partner tries to correct your mistakes, you would simply step above him saying " It's ok, I forgive you".
This is my view... i hope you don't undermine it in an offensive way.

Emily: .. Nope   not offended. That's like a whole new range of situatio n for me. 

Sam: Well that's what experiences teaches you after a 10 year long relationship, lady!
Perhaps it can be more the next Time I get to know your real name.
M more of a lifetime advisor.

Emily: Haha! You sound like an old man.I hope you provide everyone with wise advice.

Sam: Haha.. well at age of 26.. I might be becoming one. Hehe! but its all about genuineness I believe so..
And I hope you provide with yours too. And also with a cute smile of yours probably.

Emily: We are just one year apart lol! I do provide advice but sometimes lame...

Sam: So can we provide words to each other in someplace else?

Emily: No..

               Unmatch from Sam

The movie 'Family' was premiering again today to mark it's 13th Anniversary and I got  nostalgic looking at how this show has seen our family laugh together and at the same time fall apart.
"What's wrong, stupid? Why are you bawling like a baby? " my brother said as he pinched me on my hands.

"Ouch... It's nothing. I just wanted to cry" I replied as I continued bawling. It was a weird day. I couldn't get it if it was my mood swing due to my periods or the fact that I don't get to see my parents together anymore that made me cry?
Nevertheless I had to leave for my room soon thereafter because my headache due to excessive crying and stomache were punching my body at the same time and my delicate body deserved a rest.

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