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My anaconda! My anaconda!
" Hey,Look who's  here!" I exclaimed surprised as I could see my sister and my niece standing at the door. I proceeded to carry my niece in my arms.
"How has it been, Lucy" I asked in a child like voice.
"Good aunty, what about you?" Lucy replied as she went back to play with her favorite toy 'monster' from her favorite cartoon show 'monstacarry' (So, apparently 'monstacarry' is a story about a monster who attends a human school. At first he was rejected by his peers as he was 'different'. The show talks about self love, acceptance and how it is okay to be different.)
" So tell me. What brings you here, Amanda?" my mother enquires to my sister as they get time to focus on one another over the cuteness of a little attention seeker.
"Well, I'll just straight get to the point. It's about Josh wanting to move in Singapore. He has received his call letter. The hospital is offering a good package and I totally understand why he wants to go. But the problem is we have our whole family here. So how can I agree with him to leave this place leaving you all behind." my sister replies with a stern look.
Josh was my sister's husband. They had tied the knot after dating each other for about 5 years. He is also a doctor. Initially, I didn't agree to their relationship as our first meeting didn't end well. He showed up late in the restaurant where my sister had decided to introduce him to me. They had a fight on the same restaurant and he left early as he told us that he had to meet up his friends that day. He didn't seem to be a serious guy. But first impression need not always be the last as he proved his sincerity with time and being there with us at the worst. I was grateful for him.
"Well, Amanda. As a family we'll always be there with you no matter where you live. Just take your time. It's for you both to discuss. Just keep in mind that it's not only about you and him anymore. You have a toddler now and all your actions will have an effect on her. " my mother responds as she points her eyes towards the baby.
" Does anybody want an ice tea? " I enquired to break the silence.
"Yes " my mother and sister replied in unison.
"Lucy, should we make some ice tea. For your mamma and nanna? " I muttered in a child like voice as I picked my niece and headed to the kitchen.
I had some important mails to answer  so I left with Lucy for my room leaving my mother and sister to have some married woman talks. Lucy slept as she was tired playing with her monster.
"Hey, is she sleeping" my sister whispered as she tip-toed in my room.
I nodded and closed my laptop slowly to ensure that my niece had a peaceful sleep.
"I guess we should go to the balcony then." my sister whispered again.
We were in balcony now and the cool breeze touched us.
"So, how's it going for you, Emy?" my sister enquired as she turned towards me.
"Everything is going as usual I suppose." I replied taking a deep breath.
"So, do you have someone that you're seeing right now?"
"Not really. I have been talking to a few on tinder."
"So, have you met anyone from tinder for real?"
"No. Not yet. I'm just not ready for it right now. "
" That's fine. Take your time."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yes, Sure. Go ahead."
"Why did you decide to get married?"
At this my sister lets out a smile.
"Well, It's just that I felt like it was the right time." she replied with confidence as she stared at a huge tree lying just across the street.
"Did you ever regret it?"
"Regret..Hmm.. Let me think. It's a yes and a no. Whenever we had serious fights I thought if it would have been better off for us to not get married at all. But on the other hand, I felt like marriage is a commitment and I had vowed to be there for him. When I was at my lowest, he was there for me and when he was at the lowest I could be there for him. Marriage isn't all about bed of roses. Sometimes it works out but sometimes it doesn't. It's just that you need to know when to stay and when to let go. But it's all rewarding." my sister answers as she makes a pause and closes her eyes to feel the breeze.
          You matched with Lance

Lance: Hey.
Emily: Hi
Lance: Do you wanna play a game?
Emily: What's the game?
Lance: I will give you a situation and you have to act accordingly.
Emily: OK, cool. Let's do it.
Lance: Pretend that we are a couple and start a fight.
Emily: You go first. Give me situation.
Lance: Why are you up so late? Who are you talking to?
Emily: I was watching videos together with Henry.
Lance: Wow! Seriously? Who's Henry now? And did you just tell me that you were watching videos with him 'together'? Are you in a room together?
Emily: Yes, I'm with him in a room 'together'.
Henry: Now, you even have the guts to show me that you were cheating over me on my face? Who's that a**hole?
Emily: First of all, stop acting so hyper . Secondly, Henry is my dog. Thirdly, he's not an a**shole. Last but not the least my 'yes' to you was my life's 'typo'.
              Unmatch from Lance

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