Thanks For The Misleading Chapter Titles

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Billies POV

“You played fucking First Date?!” Mike laughs hysterically with Tre. I really regret telling the guys anything. I kick an empty beer can along the side walk as we were walking around aimlessly bored as fuck. I shove my hands in my pocket and put my head down attempting to avoid their stares.

“At least you got a girlfriend, right Billie?” Tre elbows me in the ribs with a grin on his face. I smirk. Damn straight, I got a girlfriend. All thanks to Sapphires amazing wingman skills.

“Hey, let’s go into the park” I nod my head towards the playground. They both agree and we walk further ahead to reach the gate.

“Fuck gates!” Tre screams before throwing himself over the one metre tall fence and crashing on the grass on the other side. It was a little while after Mike and I finished laughing that we entered the park as well. “Push me Billie!” Tre yells like a child from the swing. Shaking my head, I walk over to him and attempt to push the 17 year old. “Higher daddy! Higher!” He sexually calls out.

“Ew, don’t call me that you molester” I cringe, stepping back from the swing set.

“That’s not what your mom said last night” Tre jumps of the swing and runs past me, pulling my pants down in the process.

“Fucking hell” I mutter, while adjusting my belt.

“Hey, guys. Come over here” Mike lowly calls out. Tre and I exchange looks before walking over to the slide that Mike was leaning against. “Take these” He pushes the little square slip into my hand.

“Dude, we said we’d stop doing acid after last time” I chuckle before trying to give it back.

“Come on, just this last time” Mike pleads, pushing my hand back.

“Fine” I sigh, before letting the square sit on my tongue.


I gleefully watch Mike tip his head back in laughter. He looked like a happy puppy. I am a happy puppy. Tre was playing on the playground, giggling as he slid down the slide for the hundredth time in less than a minute. I was in pure joy. Maybe it was a good thing that Mike let me be free. I was happy, and everything was funny. Watching Tre on acid was almost the exact same as watching Tre normally. Seeing sparks of his green hair shoot past me but aimlessly watching in content.

“Let’s go for a walk” Mike leans on me for support. The three of us walk across the park, giggling about random shit.

“Let’s go over to the store and get some cigarettes and soda” Tre calls out, his arms in the air still laughing as he spoke. We walk into the store and choose our drinks while also having a little look in the magazine isle. I needed new ones since all my magazines had the pages stuck together. Putting the sodas on the counter, we ask the cashier for a pack of cigarettes.

“Do you have any ID?”

“Fuck. No I don’t have any ID man, just sell us the cigarettes man” Mike giggles.

“I cant sell you cigarettes you’re not 18 you have no ID”

“Aw come on man can’t you just sell it to us” I whine, batting my eyelashes.

“No, no ID”

We slump and stumble out of the store still giggling and we continue to walk down the dirty sidewalk. Mike turns to me, holding onto my shoulder,

“Man, that’s kind of a bummer. What we should of done is just like, put out the money like that and the guy puts his hand out to get it and I GRAB HIS HAND AND I FUCKING STICK A KNIFE IN IT AND I GRAB HIS HEAD AND WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM”

“OH MY. OH MY GOD WOAH!” I scream out, Tre fighting fits of laughter. The screech of tires pulls us out of our stupid world as all three of us snap our heads to the worst possible thing.

A black van.

Sapphires POV

“He was such a good kisser!” Hayley draws out to me on the phone.

“Aww that’s good. I’m happy for you Hay” I sweetly lie.

“Ugh he’s so cute!” She squeals. “I wonder how long he’s liked me for?! Do you think you can ask him?! Oh I’m sooo glad you’re friends with him!”

“Yeah, me too” I mutter, turning over in my bed so I faced the ceiling. “When are you gonna see him next?” I ask out of legit concern.

“He said he’s gonna take me to one of his gigs. Did you know he had a band?!”

I move the phone away from my ear so I don’t go deaf from the constant squealing. “Yeah I did” I sigh. None of them told me they had a gig

“Imagine if Billie wrote a song about me. That would be so romantic!”

A sly smirk creeps onto my face. “Yeah it would Hayley, it would”

A/N So one of my friends knows about this story... sadly. She convinced me to think about writing 3 stories with the "daddy kink" so if you're a sick fuck like me you'll like that :)

Also, I wrote a pretty sexual imagine about Gerard Way so you can go check that out in my profile :))))))

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Stay Tre Cool

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