Sugar I'm Going Down On You

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Billies POV

“Down the alley way!” I shout. We continue prancing along, the black van hot on our tails. As we jump into the dark alley way, we make a run for the wire fence at the back.

“I can’t fucking climb this!” Tre complains as we attempt to climb. Before anyone can reply, the van screeches to an abrupt stop. We are staring in awe still half on the fence as the door slides open and 3 big looking men jump out, heading towards us. Shit.

“You can’t run now, Sweet Children” One sneers. The shaded eyes lock on mine and I gulp. He grabs be by my shirt and pulls me to the ground. “It looks like you owe us a bit of money” He spits in my face.

“We don’t owe you shit!” I retort, trying to stand up. He kicks me in the stomach, making me fall down again.

He leans down again, grabbing my shirt and bringing my face closer to his. I can smell the beer and cigarettes in his breath and I can see every wrinkle and detail of his sour face. “Listen here punk. If you don’t have that money by the end of the year I’m going to do a hell of a lot worse than what I’m about to do right now” I am shaking in fear, my eyes wide. I don’t even realise that they have already started to beat the crap out of Mike and Tre. I take another blow to the stomach and soon 3 more to my chin and nose. I blood is trickling down my face and I start to feel light headed. It was no use to fight back, one of them would be stronger than 3 of us put together. Big hands clamp around my neck and I am thrown into a brick wall letting my limp body take the pain. My head is spinning as I start to taste metal in my mouth and blood is everywhere.

“Let this be a warning to you, we won’t be as nice next time” The one that was beating Tre seethes. They begin to walk back to their van, cracking their knuckles and necks.

”Can’t wait” Tre mumbles, pulling himself off the ground. It looked like he would only have a few bruises, not as bad as me.

“Holy shit Billie!” Mike runs over to me.

“I- I’m fine” I attempt to say.

“No you’re not! You look half dead!” Tre exclaims. Thanks for the heads up Tre.

“Come on” Mike puts an arm around me and tries to help me up. Once I am standing, Mike starts to walk forward.

“I said I’m fucking fine!” I harshly yell. Mike steps back with his hands up. Shaking my head, I limp forward trying to ignore the excruciating pain coming in throbbing waves at my body.

“You can’t walk home!” Tre exclaims again.

“I can and I will” I flip them off and use the wall as support to get me out of the alley way.

Sapphires POV

I skip along the side walk, earphones in ear and mouthing the words. My little chat with Hayley was quite interesting. I had found out that they were now a couple. Trust Hayley to kiss on the first date, what a slut.

Ugh, I can’t call her a slut. She was my best friend. I need to tone down the jealously before I rip the blonde hair off her head. I start thinking about Billie, he was probably very happy with her. Maybe when he gets bored with her they’ll break up! But even if they do, there’s not a big chance that Billie will just come running to me.

Billie’s house comes into view and I cross the yard to the front door. I knew his mother wasn’t home since she works long hours to keep the family afloat. I wasn’t sure whether to ask Billie about his father. It wasn’t rude to ask, was it? Thoughts aside, I knock gently on the door. I know to wait a while since Billie is probably blasting music in his bedroom. After 5 minutes, there’s still no sign of movement. I walk around the side of the house, reaching Billies window on the second floor.

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