Do You Think Horses Get Songs Stuck In Their Heads?

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A/N Happy New Year!

Sapphires POV

I stare up at the perfectly white ceiling, my mind still reeling from the night. It’s getting more and more difficult every day to hang around Billie and Hayley together. I can handle just Billie, but when they’re together it’s like they’re rubbing it in my face without having a clue. I hear Hayley sigh beside me and turn over in the double bed to face me.

“Hey Saph?” She asks.

“Mhm?” I drowsily reply. She’s silent for a few minutes as if she’s thinking about what she’s about to ask me.

“Do you…” Her face scrunches up “like Billie?”

A pang of fright hits me as I am taken aback. Shit… does she know? I never told her, I never told anyone. I’m pretty sure I haven’t properly admitted it to myself yet.

“Yeah of course, I wouldn’t hang around him if I didn’t” I casually reply, acting dumb.

“No… I mean- like, like”

I widen my eyes at her, pretending to be taken off guard.

“What?? No!” I over dramatically sit up in the bed. She sits up with me before nervously chewing on her nail.

“Like, that sleep over with Thalia a couple months ago. We kind of said we’d get you two together.”

The tears attempt to spill and I feel the lump in my throat slowly rising.

“Nah, he’s my friend. That’s all I see him as” I croak as I am almost in tears from my full frontal lying. Hayley lets out a sigh of relief before lying back down.

“That’s good, I’d hate to see you jealous” She rolls over and pulls on her sleeping mask.

Not the only time I’ve been jealous

“Goodnight Saph” She yawns. I slowly lie back down and turn my back to her.

“Goodnight Hayley” I murmur.


Billies POV

She’s always on her damn computer, why won’t she pick up now? I impatiently twist my nose ring as I am waiting for Sapphire to answer the Skype call. After a couple more rings, the ringing cuts and a huffing Sapphire shows up on the computer.

“Sorry” She breathes. “I was making mac and cheese”

“Its 3 in the morning” I state, looking over to my alarm clock.

“So?” She scrunches her eyebrows as she puts a fork into her mouth. “What’s up?” She asks, her voice muffled from her mouthful. A devious smile forms on my face. I had it all plan out. I would ask Saph if she would get with Tre, ask Tre the same thing, and get them together and voila! I’ve payed Sapphire back fair and square.

“Well!” I grin, adjusting my laptop screen. “I need to ask you something”

“I’m listening” She eyes me suspiciously.

“Would you go out with Tre?”

She raises an eyebrow before moving her face closer to her camera.

“Why?” She places her hands on her hips.

“Just wondering… cos y’know that you don’t have a boyfriend” I smirk. Sapphire looks at me blankly only blinking every couple of seconds.

“I don’t know” She sighs. “It would be a bit weird, wouldn’t it?”

“Nahh, you’d be cute together!” I throw my hands up. “Listen, I’ll talk to Tre and get him to ask you out.”


“No buts, stay on the call. I have to call Tre”

I exit Sapphires screen and scroll through my contacts, landing on Tre. He picks up in a matter of seconds.

“Billie!! My bae!!” He cries out. I hear loud music emitting from Tre’s microphone and I cringe before turning down the volume.

“Turn that shit down, I gotta talk to you” I ruffle my hair. Tre disappears off the screen and I hear the music being turned down lower.

“What’s up, boo?” Tre smirks.

“Do you want a girl friend?” I ask.

“Not really looking at the moment” He inspects his nails.

“But what if I could get you one?” I eagerly press on. Tre’s face is covered with confusion as he becomes more interested.

“Who?” He asks. I take a deep breath before nervously ruffling my hair again.

“Sapphire?” I wince softly.

Tre’s face only becomes more puzzled until he bursts into fits of laugher. I’m staring at him as he throws his head back, gripping his sides.

“Oh shit you’re serious” He says after he’s finally recovered.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I reply.

“Dude, come on. This is Sapphire we’re talking about.” He shrugs his shoulders.

“What’s wrong with her?” I press on, becoming a bit annoyed.

“I don’t know man, don’t have to act all offended and shit”

A defeated sigh escapes my lips as I rub my eyes. Well I feel like shit.

“Never mind, forget I asked” I end the call with Tre. I throw my hands on top of my head. What’s wrong with Sapphire? I don’t get what the big deal was. Dating her was pretty much exactly like being her friend except being affectionate and shit. What was I going to say to her? I hover over the call with Saph before clicking it open again. “Saph?” I call out, being greeted with an empty bed. After a couple minutes of no reply I call out again. Sill no reply. “SAPPHIRE ELIZABETH PHEARSON YOU ARE NEEDED AT YOUR LAPTOP” I cup my hands over my mouth. I hear a groan and see Sapphire flop down on her bed.

“Yes William Joseph?” She asks sweetly. I roll my eyes. “Did you ask him?” She crosses her legs.

“Uhh…” I rub my neck. “Yeah I did” How was I going to say this?

“What did he say?” She asks.

“Umm” I try to find the right words but nothing seems right. I see a look of realisation on Sapphires face. She drops her head out of embarrassment. “I’m real sorry Saph, I didn’t know he’d be a dick about it” I try and make her feel better but I know it’s going to be hard.

“Nah it’s okay. I’m used to it” She simply says before ending the call.





Sorry for shorter update, I'm writing like crazy cos in 2 days I'll be in Bali for 12 days and I won't be able to update.

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