Serious Tre Is Serious

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Written and uploaded on iPad so bear with me :/

Billies POV
"Dude, this is the fourth time this week you've cancelled on us" Tre wines, hoping out of the truck.
"I'm sorry guys, Hayley wants to go to the mall"
"And she can't go with Sapphire?" Mike slams the door, obviously pissed off. Sapphire looks at me with sympathy
"Look, I want to keep this relationship healthy" I protest, rubbing my eyes.
"Healthy!? You are so pussy whipped" Tre shakes his head. "Come on Mike, we'll practise without him"
Mike sighs before turning around and walking away.

Shit. Who knew that gaining a girlfriend would make me loose my best friends. I'm so stupid, I wanted a girlfriend so I could focus on the band and look at me. We have a gig this Saturday and instead of practising with my friends I'm shopping with my girlfriend. I run my hands through my unwashed hair before starting the engine again and driving to the mall. I know Hayley's gonna get pissed because I'm 10 minutes late.
I get out of the car and quickly pace towards the entrance. I look down at my phone, 15 minutes late. Fuck.
I quicken to a jog, darting between shoppers towards the table we organised to meet at.
"Where the fuck were you!?" Hayley stands up, her hands on her hips.
"I'm sorry babe, I was dropping the guys home" I go to wrap my arms around her waist.
"Ugh!" She pushes me off "Was Sapphire there too?" He crosses her arms.
"Uhh.. Yeah" I rub my hair.
Hayley turns and starts to walk away from me. I follow behind, sighing.
"We need to buy you some new clothes if you're meeting my parents" She blankly states as she turns into an expensive shop.
"Wait what?" I catch up to her as she starts looking through racks "When did we agree to this" She holds a white shirt up to my body, completely ignoring me.
"You're my boyfriend, you have to meet my parents" She places the shirt coat hanger on my arm.
I look down at the price tag on the shirt and quickly jump back.
"Shit Hayley I can't afford this" I almost yell.
"Who says you're paying?" She still doesn't look at me as she picks up a pair of black pants. I look at her bewildered as she picks up a pair of shoes, placing it on top of the three other outfits I was holding. "Go and try them on" She smiles.
I turn on my heel, walking towards the change rooms receiving a greasy from one of the workers at the store. I knew it was because of my attire. I look down at my jeans and converse and feel judged. Mom would kill me if she knew I even looked in this store. I finish pulling the navy blue blazer over my body and I look to the mirror. I wanted to throw up at the sight. This wasn't me. None of this was.
"Open up sweetie!" Hayley chirps, knocking on the door. I sigh before opening up to Hayley's beaming face. "Oh. My. God" She looks at me up and down, wide eyed. "You look GREAT!" She squeals throwing her arms around me. I shudder, returning the hug with a disgusted look on my face. At least she was happy. "This is what you're wearing tonight" She pulls away from me, her arms still around my neck but a huge grin sketched on her face.
"What's happening tonight?" I question.
"You're meeting my parents!" She turns around, picking up the other outfits. "Quickly get dressed again so I can buy it all" She nods once before shutting the door.
I kick the side of the change room wall in frustration, not caring for the $100 loafers on my feet. This is getting out of hand. But who can I go to? My 2 best friends hate me. I begin to pull the clothing off me, deep in thought.
"Sapphire" I murmur to myself. She better be ready tonight, I'm coming to her window.

Sapphires POV
"I'm sick of that fucking Harley chick" Tre mumbles, shoving popcorn into his mouth. His face was pulled into a scowl, even though he was playing his favourite video game.
"It's Hayley" I sigh.
"Whatever!" He throws up his arms, just as he looses the game. "Fucking bullshit" he mutters, throwing the controller to the side and plopping on the couch next to me.
"What are we going to do Saph? We're loosing our best friend to some blonde bimbo" Mike whines, sitting next to me on the other side of the couch.
"Hey, that blonde bimbo happens to be my best friend" I protest.
"Some best friend she is" Tre says under his breath and my head snaps towards him.
"What do you mean?" I question, becoming angry.
"She shoots daggers at you when you just look at Billie" Mike says. My head darts between the two boys, a confused expression plastered on my face.
"As if" I scoff. "Billie and I are just friends"
"Tell her that" Mike stand up, heading over to the fridge to grab another beer.
"Whatever" I try to conceal my smile. Hayley was jealous of Billie and I hanging out. I look down at my phone to see it was half three. "Shit I gotta go meet Thalia" I say standing up.
"What about the intervention" Tre stands up too.
"I'm sure you guys can handle billie, you know him better than me" I grab my bag and head to the basement stairs. I begin to walk up.
"Not recently" Mike mumbles. I stop in the middle of the stairs staring the the wooden steps. I knew it was true. Billie has opened up to me more than he has to Mike in 6 years of friendship. I sigh before continuing to walk up. In the kitchen, I see Billies mom sitting at the table with the newspaper.
"See you later Mrs Armstrong" I wave as I walk past.
"Bye dear" She looks up with a smile. I exit the house and run down the street to my place. Luckily billies house was only around the corner from mine. I slowly open the door, not wanting to talk to my parents. 2 reasons why I hated Sunday's. 1- My parents are home and 2- school tomorrow.
"Sapphire? Is that you?"
I freeze, halfway up the stairs.
"Yes. Mom." I say through clenched teeth.
"Come here, your father and I want to have a chat"
I sigh before turning on my heel and trudging towards the kitchen.
"Take a seat Sapphire" My dad motions to the kitchen table. I slump into the chair and start fidgeting with my hands in my lap.
"Is there anything you want to tell us about school?" Mom folds her hands neatly at the table and stares daggers at me. I shake my head, still not looking at her face.
"Your grades have gone down in the last month" Dad says, looking at mom. I close my eyes in frustration, not knowing how to reply.
"Would you like to start seeing a therapist?" Mom asks.
"No, I don't want to see a fucking therapist" I stand from my seat.
"Stop with this language! We care about you!" Mum stands as well.
"You care about me because it would create a better imagine from you!" I yell.
"Stop being so selfish! The world doesn't revolve around you!" She yells, equally as loud.
"And it doesn't revolve around you either!" I storm away from the kitchen and run upstairs. Fucking hell. Can't Green Day get famous already so I can get out of this place. I hear voices down stairs so I know Thalia has arrived.
"Hey Saph" She walks into my room with a smile.
"Hey Thalia" I stand up and walk over to hug her.
"What's been happening?" We sit down on my bed.
"Hanging out, fighting with parents the usual" I half joke. Thalia rolls her eyes before lying down.
"I haven't seen Hayley in a while"
"Yeah I know, she's been with Billie" I lie down next to her. Thalia sighs before turning on her phone.
"Hopefully not for long"
A/N So yeah it's hard writing without my laptop but I got a really good idea for the story so I had to :)

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Stay Tre Cool

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