Hi I'm Drunk Too

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A/N Sorry guys, I won't be able to update for 12 days because I'm on holiday :( 

Billies POV

“Hello?” I pick up my phone.

“Hey Billie!!” Hayley squeals. I cringe while holding the phone away from my ear. “What are you doing now?”

“I’m about to go hang with Tre and Mike” I scratch my head. We’d already seen each other 3 times this week- not including school. I don’t get why she’s being so clingy.

“Ooooh! Can I come?” She asks. My face scrunches over. I don’t really want her finding out about the secret spot we hang at. I especially didn’t want Hayley to see me wasted.

“Uhh, sure babe. I’ll pick you up soon?” I sigh. Mike and Tre are gonna be so pissed, but I can’t risk losing her.

“Ok! Cya hon!” She hangs up before I have a chance to reply. I sigh before picking up an old pair of jeans off the ground and slipping them on. I didn’t think you had to see your girlfriend every day. I grab my backpack and walk downstairs to look in fridge. Grabbing the alcohol, I look down at my phone to see a text from Mike.

**Mike** Hurry up dude, Tre’s getting restless!
**You** Ok I’m coming now, calm your tits

I run outside to my truck and slide in, turning on the engine. The radio turns on and Blink-182 comes on. I turn it off immediately out of embarrassment and continue the route to Hayley’s.

**You** I’m out the front x

**Hayley** Be there soon J <3

A smiling Hayley appears at the front door and I take in her body straight away. The blue jeans hugged her skinny body perfectly and the black and white cropped t-shirt almost made me drool.

“Hey babe” She climbs in the truck and places a kiss on my lips. Fuck- forget everything I said before. She’s amazing. “Where we going?” She puts on her seatbelt. I pull out from her house and start to drive towards the destination.

“Just a hang out me and the boys found a while back”

“Oh cool!”

The rest of the ride was silent other than an occasional cough from Hayley. Damn, I hope she isn’t sick. I’ve been kissing her.

We finally pull up at the top of the hill and I climb out, backpack in hand. I tell Hayley to follow as I start to walk down the hill carefully. Mike and Tre soon come into view. Mike lying lazily on the couch strumming an acoustic guitar and Tre throwing rocks at the occasional ducks that would swim by in the lake.

“HEAD-SHOT!” Tre pumps his fist as the squeal of a duck rings out.

“Tre what the fuck!” I call out, walking towards him. The silly grin on his face soon drops as he looks behind me to Hayley.

“I should be saying the same to you” He mutters before grabbing the backpack out of my hand and taking out a bottle. I turn around and smile at Hayley, motioning her to take a seat on a piece of tattered furniture. Mike looks up at her wide eyed, and then turns to me.

Hayley wanted to hang with me today” I clench my jaw, taking a seat next to her.

“Whatever… pass me a drink” Mike puts up a hand and I throw a bottle for him to catch. I take one out for myself before taking a big swig out of the bottle. I shouldn’t care if my girlfriend is here. I should be able to be myself around her.

“You want one?” I hold out the bag to her.

“Oh… no thanks” She politely declines. Shit. I couldn’t get drunk now. I put the bottle down beside me, receiving a confused look from Mike.

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