I Want To Go To Soundwave

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Billies POV

I throw the cigarette out, stomping on it with a dirty converse. It was about a minute until the bell for the end of the day went and I was waiting for Saph to come out. With an impatient sigh, I roughly push open the door and start to walk through the empty hallway. When I reach Sapphires locker, I take out my phone seeing the time switch to 3:30 as the obnoxious bell rings out overhead. The loud talking and footstep cascades down the now noisy as fuck hallway and I start tapping my foot. My eyes search the hallway for the familiar skinny jeans, flannel shirt out of the polo’s and Nike shirts but I don’t see her.

“Hurry up Saph” I murmur to myself, placing another cigarette between my teeth. I turn my head to the right, seeing the last person I wanted to see.


Just like the first time I met her, time seemed to slow down. Luckily, she had her head in her phone so she hadn’t noticed me yet.


As I stare at her wide eyed, she finally notices and looks up. Her blank expression is soon turned into a scowl.

“Billie?” She walks up to me.

“Oh... Hey Hayley” I avoid her stare.

“What are you doing here?” She glares at me.

“Uhh” Was all I managed to say.

“You said you couldn’t take me out tonight because you were busy?” She crosses her arms over her chest.

“Hey Bill, sorry I’m late. Tre stole my pencil case and-“Sapphire stops in her tracks staring at Hayley and I. “H- Hi Hayley” She stutters, frozen on the spot. Hayley turns from glaring at Sapphire to me.

“You mean to tell me you ditched your girlfriend to hang out with her?” Hayley spits and steps forward, putting emphasis on the her part.

“We- We always hang out after school. Before there was an us. I promise babe” I protest.

“There won’t be an us if you keep acting like this!” Hayley raises her voice. I see Sapphires jaw clench, obviously holding back the brutally honest words that she could spill right now. That’s why I live Sapphire, she could be a cold hard bitch when it’s needed but she knows when to hold her tongue.

“Listen babe, I promise I’ll take you out tomorrow. I just want to hang with my friends tonight” I plead, clasping my hands. Hayley sighs and looks down on me.

Fine. But just this one-time”

And with a greasy to Sapphire and a flick of her hair, Hayley was off. I exhale in relief before turning to Sapphire.

“And she’s meant to be your best friend” I mutter.

“Tell me about it” She rolls her eyes.

Sapphires POV

“Hey, look what I stole from the school last week” The smirk on Billies face grows as he pulls the laptop out of his backpack. I scoff, putting my arms over my chest.

“You stole one of those crappy laptops we got given in 9th grade?” I sit down on the mattress.

“I’ve never had a computer before” He shrugs “And this one was free” He sits down next to me with an adorable smile on his face. He starts up the laptop, immediately clicking into the mail section.

“Email? What is this, 2002?” I laugh.

“I’m expecting something” He simply says, eyes glued to the screen and tongue in view out of concentration. He viciously clicks refresh over and over as soon as his inbox comes into view. After it loads, a notification pops up and an unread email appears onto the screen. Billie excitedly and very quickly clicks onto the email. Bringing the laptop closer to his face, his eyes scan over the words. His eyes were wide and full of hope and excitement his mouth was hanging open and he was nervously tapping his foot on the ground.

“FUCK YES!” Billie stands up, throwing his arms in the air (and the laptop)

“What? What?” I hop up next to him. Who would Billie be emailing?

“WE GOT IT!” Billie grabs my shoulders and ferociously shakes.

“Got what?!” I ask, dazed and confused. My wide eyes are searching his hyper ones. I haven’t seen Billie this happy since him and Hayley got together. Billie bends over and picks up the laptop before shoving it into my arms.

“Read!” He yells happily.

To: bj_xx@hotmale.com

From: C-Corp@geemail.com

Mr Armstrong,

My name is Chris Peters and I am the head of the musical agency at C-Corporation (C-Corp for short) I am happy to inform you that your band has sparked some interest in my company. If you would, I would love to meet you. I have a very good feeling about your band Green Day. If you are interested, please come down to our head agencies for a meeting. I am free anytime next week so you can show up when you please.

182 Infer Highway, Las Angeles

If you have any inquiries or concerns you may email me back or simply ask at the meeting.

I hope to see you there.

Sincerely, Chris Peters


“Oh my God... Billie that’s GREAT!” The laptop is thrown on the ground once again as I wrap my arms around Billies neck. His arms snake around my waist and he pulls me off the ground and spins. I bury my head into his neck, taking in the magical moment. If Billie is like this when he’s happy, I’ll be sure to never make him sad. He finally sets me on the ground before grabbing my face with his hands.

“It’s all coming together” He stares at me deeply. “Ever since I met you its all come together” He shakes his head in disbelief with a small smile plastered on his face. I smile back, leaning into his hands that were on my soft cheeks. If he were ever to kiss me, now would be the perfect moment.

“How can I ever thank you?” He whispers. I stare it him, letting the simple words roll over in my mind. I don’t think I know the answer myself.

“You don’t have to” I whisper back, smiling. Billie returns the smile before pulling me into his chest once again. I rest into his chest, feeling overwhelmed by the feelings.

“Sorry I’m so clingy, I’m just so happy” He murmurs.

“No problem at all” I answer truthfully and squeeze him tighter.

A/N I have 2 other updates already written so I will upload tomorrow and the next day around this time :DD

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