Respect all Trust few

21 2 2

The man started to laugh when I was staring at him.

Shocked, sad, scared. 

Man: what? Do you not remember me?

L: I remember you.

That was my dad.

Dad: Come in here, I need to talk to you.

L: no! I -I can't.

Dad: come. Here. Now.

Here threw me off the chair and picked me up by my hair and dragged me to the room.

L: stop! Dwayne help! You said I wouldn't get hurt! You promised me! Please! Stop!

Dad: shut up.

He threw me in the room and started to trail his fingers up my shirt.

L: stop it!

He threw me on the bed and went on top of me taking my shirt off roughly.

L: leave me alone! stop it!

He squeezed both my boobs and bent down to suck on one.

L: stop it! why don't you just listen?

Right when I said that, I kicked him hard in his dick and he screamed. I got up, put my shirt on, and ran out the room.

L: I thought I trusted you.

They just looked at me, and I ran out the house and went home, thanks to my great memory, I memorized the way home. I also got there just in time for dinner, but I'm not hungry.

T: hey, how was your run? You took a long time. C'mon let's eat dinner.

She set the table and motioned for me to sit down. 

T: so, why were you out for so long?

L: I-I...

T: honey, are you okay?

She got up and comforted me. 

T: Elizabeth, you need to tell me what's wrong.

L: I-I can't! Where's Eric? 

T: he's at home. You can go to his house.

L: can I spend a night there?

T: yes. Go ahead.

I got up and ran to his house. I opened the door and bursted into his room and started crying on his bed.

E: Lizzie, are you okay? What happened? 

He ran to his bed and sat down next to me.

L: I hate everything and everyone! I hate them all!

E: Lizzie, what happened?

L: my dad. He found me, and sent men to kidnap me and- and...

E: wait, your dad found you? And sent men to kidnap you? I would've taken advantage and make them buy me food.

L: I did!

He brought me closer to him and hugged me. 

E: shh. What did he do?

L: he... he touched me.

E: are you-

L: no I'm not, and I kicked him in his dick. And ran away.

E: it's fine. 

He was stroking my head and playing with my hair now. 

E: you know, we can call the police. Do you wanna do that?

I nodded.

He went downstairs and told his mom and she called the police.

About 10 minutes later the police came up to me and started to talk to me.

Police: where is he?

L: I'm not exactly sure. I did memorize the way.

Police: take us.

We got in the car and I told them the directions. We passed the McDonald's, the Starbucks, and some broken buildings. Soon, we reached the small house.

We opened the door and...

This is a really short chapter. I feel bad for Lizzie. 

What do you think they were doing in the house?

Luv ya,


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