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I don't know what happened the other day. I wish I could be his girlfriend. I love him so much but we can get carried away. We were just supposed to sleep. Maybe a little kiss. But I can't. I can't do it. I love him so much. He's sweet and trustworthy and would never hurt someone.

I get up and change:

I get up and change:

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I go to Olivia. She's on the couch in the living room. She greets me:

O: hey Lizzie, love your outfit today.

L: thank you. I was gonna go with a white tube top and gray sweatpants but my sweats had tears. I was in the mood for this, I love camouflage. 

O: so, what did you do with Eric yesterday?

L: okay, listen. I had sex with Eric yesterday. I'm pretty sure everyone had sex with whoever they were sleeping with. Poor Liam, he probably couldn't sleep. But, I think I really like Eric. I don't know why. He's so sweet.

O: I knew it. They weren't snores. They were loud moans. And groans. You guys had fun last night. 

I see Eric and he smiles at me. I smile back. I get up and eat my avocado toast. I wait a while, fill up my water bottle, and change into running clothes.

 I wait a while, fill up my water bottle, and change into running clothes

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Before I leave, Eric pecks me on my lips. I try to hide my blush and head to the gym.

2 1/2 hours later...

Rose's POV:

I know Lizzie left. This is my chance to get to Eric and steal him away from her. I did it to Payton, now I'm doing it to Eric. She didn't deserve Payton and she doesn't deserve Eric. At all. I've had a rush on Payton since the 2nd grade. He came to California and then she had to waddle her way in here too. I'm gonna make her life a living hell.

R: hey Eric.

E: hey.

R: so, can you follow me, I want to show you something.

E: I'm a bit busy. Mayb-

R: No! I need you!

E: okay fine.

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