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He reached the doors panel when the boy reappeared out of thin air and grabbed him, throwing him over his shoulder, and runnung him into the main pilot's room before Robin could so much as blink.

he kicked at the boy and flipped over his shoulder landing on his feet ready to strike in case they attacked...

the pilots all exchanged glances to each other from the hanger as the one who brought Robin started massaging his jaw as he exclaimed

"He punched me! right in the jaw!"

"pfft Thanks, Robin. I've been wanting to do that for days." a girl holding a bow replied as she looked over at him

He continued to hold his blades between his fingers "I'll ask one more time.. Where am I?"

"you don't know where you are? you're on my ship" a girl with dark green skin replied

"Okay...And why am I on your ship?"

"ugh because..." she looked over at the others, "...I think we should call Batman"

Another boy appeared threw the door, wearing a costume of red and black without shoes, the others all turned to him as he entered

  "Friend Robin, stand down."

Robin looked over at the others but nobody seemed to respond, he turned his focus back to the newcomer

"Who's Robin?"

" are dude"  The ginger replyed

he turned his attention back to him" No I'm not...I'm..I'm.."

Panicking He pulled his staff from his belt and swung it in front of himself "What did you do with my head?! brainwash me? wipe my memories? did I have some kind of information? "

"Wow! wow, okay easy Rob, Put the weapons down." The redhead reached forward to try and grab his staff but he quickly pulled back

the leader slowly pushed his hand forward

"Stand down and we will explain. you were injured in battle, you were asleep for the last three days."

"Three days?" Robin asked

"You got hit hard on your head, in two different places, I fear that is what caused your memory loss, but we are your friends."

"Friends.. no..only bats..or wait.." He placed his hand against his pounding temple

"Wow, you don't remember anything do you boy wonder?"  The blonde archer asked

he looked around the room again only to assume she was talking to him "...Boy Wonder? What's my name again?"

"Robin." She answered. " Robin ..Man? I don't know what's Batman's last name?" she turned to ask the others

"Hello, Megan! He doesn't remember it because it's not his real name it's his secret identity."

They all turned to look at the red-haired boy who shook his head

"Uh uh. I'm not giving up his identity."

"Wally, it might help him remember."

"Batman makes him wear sunglasses 24/7 / 365. do you really think he'll let his identity slide?"

"It's worth a shot! look at him all confused!.." She turned her attention back to him before adding
"Well I'm M'gann...and this is Conner.." she pointed to the older boy with dark hair who sat quietly watching beside her

"Artemis.." The blonde archer

"Kaldur" she nodded towards the leader

" and Wally." she pointed towards the redhead behind him who waved

"You don't think this had anything to do with the beam going off do you?" Conner asked Kaldur

"I don't know..perhaps."

"What beam?"  Robin interrupted

"I fear you are not ready to understand"

"If I don't know my name, I think I deserve to know why."

" fare point…It's not absolute..but me and M'gann were trying to guard a machine a scientist made..the beam went off accidentally during battle shot out the window below the same time as the bomb that blew you back, We aren't sure but it may have been both that hit you.."

"Beam? What did it do exactly?"

"It was erase the memories of those who knew too much in the league of evil.."

"So it wiped my memories?"

"Maybe." M'gann replied, "But we found blueprints, we think the scientist changed it, so instead of wiping memories, it steals them, to be given to another.."

Robin finally lowed his staff "You mean to tell me someone else has my memories?

"We hope not..but worse case, perhaps.." Kaldur answered

Wally turned pale "Oh no.."

"What now?" Artemis asked in anger

"I just realized...if someone has Robins memories, Someone has the secret identities of the entire justice league... And  I have a bad feeling that someone won't keep them quiet...I mean they don't call them the league of villans for nothing"

"He knew the identities of the entire league?" Artemis asked "How come he's allowed to know them all? I only know three!?"

"Batman didn't keep much from him.." Wally answered

"I think it's time we call him." Kaldur said bringing the whole team to nod in agreement "Batman may have to inform the league on this may be out of our hands"

"Okay.." Robin turned towards wally before quietly asking "So..uh Who's Batman again?"

"WHO"S BATMAN?" Wally exclaimed before looking over his shoulder at the other team members who all stared at Robin in shock

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--Stay Whelmed.

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