Chapter Eight

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I walk around until I'm standing in the middle of a huge circle. There is swords and knives covering one of the walls. I must be in a training room of some type. Glancing around, I spot a familiar black haired boy swigging a sword around. I walk towards him. I spot about six feet away and just watch him.

"Would you stop staring?" Liam sudden says, stoping what he's doing and turning around to face me. His blue eyes met my green one.

"What were you doing?" I ask him, finale breaking my eye contact. I felt like I was being scolded for something I did wrong.

"Training. Want to joy?" His question caught me off guard. I look up at him shocked. "That is if you want too."

"Um, yeah sure. What sword do I use?"

"The one on your finger," he states calmly. I press the black stone on my ring, once again, I am distracted by the swords beauty. "Your sword's name is Asi."

"It suits it." I smile at him. Liam looks at me, smiling himself before he looks away and clears his throat.

"Lets began, shall we?" We get into our fighting stance. I look him over. He protects his gut very well, but leaves his face uncovered. Liam swings at me and I step out of the way. He swings again, this time I block it and elbow him in his side. Just as I thought, he steps toward me. Using this to my advantage, I swipe his feet out from under his body. Liam falls to the ground. I point my sword at his exposed gut.

"Well what a surprise. The new girl can fight," Liam says. Be then reaches out and grabs my sword arm, pulling me under him. He pins my body under him. Our faces inches apart. I can feel his breathe on my face. He smelt of mint and sweat. I looked into his blue eyes. His glaze went to my full lips and he bent closer.

"Hey, Liam, have you seen Earth?" A voice says. We instantly spring apart putting distance between us.

"Oh, there you are, E," Grover says, looking at the two of us. He smirks a little, before glancing at me. "Come on, I've got some people I want you to meet." I just nod and walk out, Grover follows beside me. We walk in slience before Grover finally says where too.
We continue walking until we get to the beach were two people waited.

One had long blonde hair that was pulled into a ponytail. I recognize her as the girl who found me. Annabeth, I think. The other had black hair, the same shade as mine.

"ANNABETH, PERCY!" Grover called to the duo. He then grabs my hand and pulls me toward them. Finally letting go when we are in front of them.

"Grover, I've missed you so much, man," the black haired boy says. He wraps his arms around the satyr, giving him a huge hug.

"I've missed you too, Perc," Grover says, whenever Percy lets him go. Grover steps toward me. "Guys I want to introduce you guys to Earth." Annabeth goes to me and gives me a huge.

"I'm glad you are wake," she says. I hesitate before hugging her back.

"Yeah me too." We let go and I look to Percy. We lock eyes. His were the same green as mine. Shocking both of us. I take in his similar features. Percy gets over his shock and holds out his hand for a handshake.

"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson." I take his hand and shake his.

"I'm Earth. Just Earth," I reply. "Your the guy from my dream." Percy looked shocked that I remembered.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am." Both Grover and Annabeth looked at us and then each other. A bell rung in the distance.

"Well, lets go. Its dinner time," Percy says. Together we all walked to the dinner room.

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