Chapter Eighteen

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...Percy's POV....

The sun was starting to set, as I watched everyone pile in the dining pavilion. Annabeth still looked pretty shaken up, but promised she will talk to me later. Then she went off to join her siblings from the Athena cabin. I'm worried about her. Chiron was like a father to her.

Next came Clarisse, leading the Ares cabin. Then the Hephaestus cabin, lead by a nice, awkward guy named Charles Beckebdorf. There was rumors that he could make anything. Just give him a piece of metal and let him work in peace. The other cabins filed in: Demeter, Apollo, Aphrodite, Dionysus. Naiads came from the lake. Dryads melted out of the trees. From the meadow came a dozen or so satyrs, including Grover. I wave at him and he smiles before walking over.

"Hey, man," I greeted him.

"Hey, Perc." He gives me a hug to which I return.

"Have you seen Earth? She was supposed to be here by now."

"No, but she'll turn up soon." I nod at his response. "Look, man, go eat. I'm sure she will be here soon." Again I only nod before walking to my table.

From the head table a familiar voice called out, "Well, well, if it isn't Peter Johnson. My millennium is complete."

I sign. "Its Percy Jackson....sir."

Mr. D sips his Diet Coke. "Yes. Well, as you young people say these days: Whatever."

Mr. D's real name is Dionysus. The god of wine. Zeus appointed him director of Camp Half-Blood to dry out for a hundred years. It was a punishment for chasing some off-limits wood nymph. And lets just say, he hates his life.

Next to him, where Chiron would be sitting, was someone I'd never seen before. He was pale, horribly thin man in a threadbare orange prisoner jumpsuit. He had dark shadows under his eyes, dirty fingernails, and badly cut gray hair. He stared at me.

"This boy," Dionysus told him, "you need to watch. Poseidon's child, you know. And his sister. Both a troublesome pair."

"Ah!" The prisoner said. "That one." His tone made it sound like he and Mr. D had already discussed me at length. I look down at my plate, before someone sat down in front of me.

"Who the hell is that?" I look up to meet a pair of sea green eyes, identical to mine. My sister. I open my mouth to speak, but before I could, the guy answered.

"I am Tantalus," the prisoner said, smiling coldly. "The new camp director. I am here until Dionysus says other wise."

Earth scoffs at the man before her. Tantalus just glares.

"And you, Earth, I do expect you to refrain from causing any more trouble."

"Trouble? What could I have possibly done, Mr. I'm-the-Ruler-Now?" I grin widely at her name calling. She really is my sister.

Dionysus snaps his fingers and a newspaper appeared on the table. On the front page was a picture of Earth. It was hard to make out the headline, however I have a good guess about what it was. Thirteen year old kills a teacher.

"Yes, Trouble," Tantalus says to her with satisfaction. "Between you and your brother, the world would burn down."

A satyr set a plate of BBQ in front of Tantalus. The new activities director licked his lips. His eyes glaze to his empty goblet and said, "Root beer. Barq's special stock. 1967."

The glass filled itself with foamy soda. Tantalus reached forward slowly.

"Go on, then, old fellow," Dionysus said. "Perhaps now it will work."

Tantalus reached for it, only for the goblet to scoot away before his hand touched it. Growling, he picked up his fork to stab his piece of meat, but the plate skittered down the table and into the flames. I look at Earth to see her smiling and trying not to laugh at the activities director.

"Blast!" Tantalus muttered.

"Oh well," Dionysus said, his voice dripping with false sympathy. "Give it a few more days. Believe me, old chap, working at this camp is punishment enough. I'm sure your old curse will fade eventually."

" Hey, I remember you," Earth suddenly says. I look over to her. She just stares at Tantalus. "Your the guy from the Fields of Punishment. The one who stands in the lake with the fruit tree hanging over you, but you can't eat or drink." My eyes widen a little at her knowledge. How the hell does she know that?

"A real scholar, aren't you, girl?" Tantalus sneered at her.

"You must of done something really horrible to deserve that type of punishment," I say to get him to ease off my sister. "What was it?"

Tantalus's eyes narrowed. "I'll be watching you, Percy Jackson. And you, Earth, the gods little knight." Tantalus says. Earth looked taken back. "I don't want any problems at my camp."

"Your camp already has problems maybe you should fix them. Oh wait! That would mean getting rid of yourself, so sorry.....sir," Earth says beside me smirking at the old man. I grin even wider.

"Go back to your eating, Johnson and no named," Dionysus signs. "I believe that table over there is yours- the one where no one else ever wants to sit.

I feel my face burning, but I knew better then to talk back. However I knew Earth didn't, so I grabbed her arm and led her back to out table. A wood nymph brought us food.

"How dare he!" Earth whisper yells.

"E, calm down. He's not worth the thought," I try to comfort her. She only stares down at her food, before getting a glossy look over her eyes. Earth then signs.

"Your right. He's not." I nod. "Let's go dump our food into the fire for father," she suggests. Again I nod and we both head toward it dumping our food.

"Poseidon," I muttered, "accept my offering."

And send me some help while your at it, I pray silently. Please.

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