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During the night, one set of twins were born. A young girl and a boy. Sally Jackson holds both her children in each arm, looking down at them.

"What are you going to name them, my dear?" the god of the sea asks her.
"They both will be powerful demigods. I can feel it."

"I shall name the girl, Earth, because she will fight against beings more powerful then she. The boy shall be name Perseus, for he will be a great hero one day," Sally proclaims to the god. The mother signs. "They both can't stay here. It will never be save."

"I know. They are too powerful. I must take one," Poseidon says to her, looking down at the children in her arms. "The girl. I must take her. She will have the most power between the two. She has no chance of surviving if she stays."

"Then take her," Sally says with tears in her eyes. "Take her to Olympus and protect her." She hands baby, Earth to the sea god. The god takes the sleeping child and turns towards the door.

"I will, my love. I promise. I'll look over both of them." And with that Poseidon walked out the door, heading towards Olympus.

............Time Skip..............

Poseidon walks into Olympus with Earth Jackson nested in his arms.

"BROTHER, HOW DARE YOU GO AGAINST THE LAW!" a voice yells out from inside the courtroom. The sea god walks into the room, to find all the gods sitting on their thrones. Even his younger brother Hades was there.

"Brother, I can explain." Poseidon says to Zeus, god of the sky. At the sudden noise, Earth starts crying. All at once the gods talk over each other.

"A baby? Why is their a baby in our mist?" Hera asks harshly.

"Can't you see, Sister. He has broken the vow. Not only with one child, but two," Hades tells her.

"I HAD NO CHOICE! CAN YOU NOT FEEL THE POWER RAIDING FROM HER?" Poseidon yells angrily. Athena suddenly gets up and walks over to the baby.

"I can feel it. She will be powerful, unlike anything we have ever seen. Her future is not quite clear however. She has my blessing to stay, and i will give her a gift," Athena says, picking up the young girl. "I give her the gift of wisdom. May she always out smart her enemies." At her words, the gods get into a line to give the young child their gifts to her.

"I see mischief in her eyes, so that is what i will give. May she be cunning and full of tricks," Hermes say as he turns around and walks away.

"For me, I give the gift of beauty. She shall be beautiful through her days," Aphrodite said.

Next was Ares with the gift of battle strength, Apollo with artery, Artemis with the gift of hunt, Demeter with the gift to find food anywhere, Hephaestus with crafting, Hestia with the gift to always find the place the child will call home, Dionysus with wine, Hades with the gift to call spirts from the dead, Persephone with the gift of growth, and finally Zeus with the gift of flying.

"Thank you all. She will be the last hope. For a war is coming," Poseidon tells the group of beings, peering down at the now sleeping girl. "You will be our knight, Earth Jackson."

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