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taehyung watched seokjin run his hands through his pockets impatiently. "did you loose your key. you are doing this on purpose aren't you. you don't understand how i feel right now. het your act together or i won't be afraid to smooch you right here", he grumbled. "i am not doing this on purpose. i can't find the key. let me check it in the car" seokjin said quickly rushing to the car to search for the key. taehyung groaned, "i am so cold. hurry up", he screamed loud enough for seokjin to hear him. 

suddenly the door screeched open, "surprise", a women cheered. taehyung looked at seokjin who was busy searching the car for his keys. the women's smile disappeared, "you are not my son. is he with you.", she asked looking around. "you didn't tell me your parents are home", taehyung said nervously. seokjin jolted away from the car, "eomma", he exclaimed. the women quickly pulled the young boy into a hug, "my handsome boy. merry christmas", she smiled placing a kiss on the boy's cheek. seokjin nodded, "merry christmas. why are you here. did you come alone", seokjin asked hugging his mother. "do i need a reason to visit my son. even if i do, christmas isn't enough of a reason. also don't you worry i am not alone. appa is here too", his mother spoke. seokjin withdrew from the women's grip, "this is taehyung. we study at the same school and we are friends", seokjin said. the words stung taehyung. friends. just a friend. seokjin held the boy's hand immediately squeezing it as though he could read taehyung's mind.  the women smiled, "hello taehyung. come inside" she smiled.

seokjin merely bowed down to his father. seokjin immediately dragged taehyung to his room shutting the door behind him. "are you ready for your present, jelly-", seokjin whispered making sure the door was locked. taehyung bit his lips, "jinnie, your parents are home. don't you think you should-", taehyung's words were cut short by seokjin's kisses. taehyung kissed back running his hands through seokjin's faded purple hair. seokjin's slowly peeled taehyung's clothing as he continued to flavor the boy's lips. taehyung closed his eyes capturing the moment in his heart. seokjin pulled back to get rid of his clothes before plundering taehyung's lips again. the two boys were aggressively moving their hands over each other's body seokjin positioned above taehyung on the bed. taehyung looked at the boy with a warm smile which seokjin returned. taehyung aggressively pinned  seokjin below him before he reached down and began stroking him. "do it- tae", seokjin whimpered biting his lips. "only because you asked me to-" taehyung whispers. taehyung silently thanked jimin for equipping him with lube earlier that day. 

< i am sorry i can not write the rest. i will leave it up to your imagination.>

the two boys cuddled close to each other warm in each other's presence even in the cold december evening. "this was a great present peanut butter. i am so happy that you were the one. i am sure your parents are here with some expectations. you should spend sometime with them. i too should spend some time with eomma", taehyung whispered. seokjin, "i don't want to. i am happy with you", he stated. taehyung nodded, "they acre for you. they traveled all the way back here. go spend some time with them, i'll spend some with my family", taehyung said dressing up. seokjin didn't protest. he watched the boy leave quietly.

"don't you try to rush this. the last time your forced a decision upon him he moved away. give this some time", the women hushed quiet as the taehyung appeared. "merry christmas to you. have a nice evening", he greeted politely before leaving. 

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