Our Own Paths

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Katy's POV
I got out of bed at about 10:30am. I couldn't wait to just hangout with The Vamps all day! I didn't want to waste anymore time. I took a quick shower and cleaned my face, I brushed my hair and tied it up in a high pony-tail. Then I dressed up. I decided to wear skinny blue jeans with a loose grey T-shirt with 'Smiles' written in multi-colors on it. The shoes I wore were just white sneakers with black pen writing on them. I then put on a very little amount of makeup on, (clear lipgloss & black mascara). I had a turbo breakfast and a quick phone call. "Heyyyy! Abby, where are you!?" I asked as I walked outside. "Sleeping." She answered. "What!?! Abby the whole day is going! Get up and come to Brad's house now!!!" I exclaimed as I hung up. I ran to Brad's house and knocked on the door. He burst it open. "Hey! Where have you been!?" He asked smiling and pulling me inside. "Sleeping." I answered giggling. He laughed and dragged me to the garage. "Tea?" He asked passing me a cup of peppermint tea. "Thanks." I replied sipping from the plane red cup. "So what shall we do?" I asked putting my tea down. "Sex would be nice." He mumbled. "What did you say?" I asked not being able to digest his words. "Nothing!" He said smiling nervously. There was a short moment of silence. "Let's record some songs!" He smiled. "That sounds good to me!" I said finishing off my tea. "Hi love birds!" Abby finally appeared. "Hi!" Me and Brad replied at the same time. "Where's Tristan?" She asked looking round. "The boys decided to go to the park and just chill there." Brad replied. "Oh." Abby looked in disappointment. "They will come back in a few hours though!" Brad added. "Well! What shall we do for those few hours?" She asked
Looking at me. "We were thinking of recording songs and-" Abby interrupted me. "Bye then!" She said walking off. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To the park!" She called behind her shoulder. "Let's start recording then!" Brad said getting up from the couch we were sitting on. I stood up and walked behind him. "One, two, three, four." He said in a low voice. I smiled and started to sing.

A while after recording the song, we sat on the couch again. I dropped my head on his shoulder and lift up my feet.
"This is nice." I smiled. "Yeah, I wish we could stay like this forever, just freeze the time and everything around us."
He replied. "Promise me something." I said as he put his arm around my shoulders. "What is it?" "Never leave me.....and never change."
I answered closing my eyes as the sun shun brighter. "That's two things." He grinned. "I promise." Brad Continued.
I pressed my soft lips onto his. We didn't pull away for a while. And when we did, we just kissed again. He pulled away.
"Promise me one thing." He smiled. "Sure." I lift my head up. "Never breakup with me." He said. I just nodded.
"I hate you! You're a, a....an asshole!" We heard someone shout from outside. We stood up and looked at each other.
"What the?" I said to myself. We walked outside and so Rose With some guy. "Hide!" Brad whisper shouted. "Why? You're not dating her anymore right." Brad paused for a second. "Brad?" I asked getting confused. Rose slapped the dude in front of her and then paused.
She turned to our direction. "Hide!" Brad pushed me away so I couldn't be seen. "Brad!" Rose ran to him crying.
She jumped into a hug with him. Hey! He's not yours anymore you can't just hug him! "Rose are you okay?" Brad asked awkwardly. "No! That guy tried to kiss me! And I told him we're dating but he didn't care!" She cried. Tears formed in my eyes but I held them back. "Rose about that-" she interrupted Brad by kissing him. "No!" I whispered, now with a waterfall coming down from my eyes. I dropped on the ground, letting the pain stroll down my face. A hand rested on my back. I stood up as fast as possible.
I saw Connor. "What are you doing here?" I asked wiping my eyes. "I came back earlier." He whispered lifting me up.
"Come." He said pulling me inside. "What happened?" He asked brushing his hand on my cheek. I pulled away a bit. "I don't know." I replied sobbing. He looked down at his feat. "Ass'ole." He said to himself. "Who?" I asked, stopping to cry. "Brad!" His sarcastic look turned to me. "He's not...he is just confused at the moment and he needs some time to cool down." I explained.
"You really like him don't ya?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied with a faint smile.

Bradley's POV
I pulled away from the kiss straight away. "What are you doing!?" I asked wiping my mouth. "What am I doing? I'm kissing you." She smiled. "Why!? That's grows!!!" I exclaimed scrunching my nose in discussed. "We are dating!!! It's what I should be doing!" She shouted. "Well we brake up! I never liked you after I met Katy anyway!" I added.
She walked away annoyed. I smiled at myself. "Finally Free!!!" I laughed. "Alright Kate, you can come out!" I smiled, but my smile faded. "Katy?" She wasn't there. "Oh Shit!!!" I said, realizing something. I ran in the garage and so her crying on Connor's shoulder.
"Katy." I hoped she would turn around, but I had high hopes. "I have to go." She said walking out not baring to look at me.
"Ya failed." Connor said walking away. I dropped on the couch, "I failed." I said covering my face with my hands.
"No." I said lifting my head. "No! I am not gonna let you down!" I exclaimed laughing and jumping around.
"I will not break my promice, and I will not disappoint you!!!" I laughed as I fell on the floor.
I had a plan to get her back. And it was good plan!!!!

Abby's POV
"And then they just kissed!" Katy explained to me and Connor. "Didn't Brad ditch her?" I asked lifting my thin eyebrow. "I thought the same until now." Katy said looking at her hands covered in tears. "Good thing you've got waterproof makeup!" I tried to make her laugh. But I failed.
"Don't cry over him. He ain't worth it!" Connor assured her. She fell on his chest and started to cry again. The doorbell suddenly started ringing. "I'll go get it!" I said standing up. I opened the door and so Brad. You son of a bitch! "Let me come in." He said emotionlessly. My first reaction was to introduce his pretty little face to my fist. "What the fuck!?" He placed his hand on his cheek.
"Fuck off." I said slamming the door. I walked back in the living room. "Who was it?" Katy asked.
"Br-Breakfast man!" I lied. She probably wasn't in the mood to know the truth. The door rang again. I rushed and burst it open. "What the fuck do you want!?!?!" I exclaimed looking at Brad. "I want her back!" He shouted. "Shut the fuck up!" I hissed at him. "You are nothing but an asshole and a cowered!!! Now get lost!" I insulted him. "I am not leaving until you let me in!" He protested. "Then I'll make you." I said cracking my fingers. "How?" He asked sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes and lifted him up like he wade nothing at all and carried him across the street.
"Put me down you strong bitch!" He ordered. "Okay!" I smiled and threw him on the ground.
"Don't come again!" I threatened and walked back to Katy's house.

Bradley's POV
"Plan B is in action." I said smiling evilly. "Boy that girl is strong!" I said to myself as I pressed on my now blue cheek. There was
no way that Abby was gonna spoil my plans. I mean I do understand that she is doing it for the sake of her friend but she knows nothing about keeping a girl happy....but I can't blame her I'm rubbish at it aswell. I walked to Katy's house again. Please god, make sure I am alive if Abby opens the door! I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Abby opened it and was about to slap me but I interrupted her. "Please don't!" I stepped away. She looked at me waiting for an excuse. "Look, I know I've been a bad boy-" she laughed when the words 'bad boy' came out of my mouth. I rolled my eyes as she got back to being serious. "But I really like Katy and I only like her! Please, if you just let me speak to her for one micro-second I will explain everything and make things right!" I tried to make this seem romantic but it came out a bit more of a crazy side of me. "Go home, you're a bad boy!" She exclaimed.
"I just want my girlfriend back." I looked at my feet. "Well you've come to the wrong place and wrong person, if you want your girlfriend back then go to where Rose lives and leave Katy live her life!" She shouted. We paused..."but what about me? How will I live
my life without her?" I asked. Abby's face suddenly turned from crazy, to sad. "Brad...sometimes, you think you have found your true love but then you realize you just...haven't. And if she was your true love wouldn't things be easier? If it was love, do you think you would be here now? Begging to see her when all she wants is you to go." My heart dropped. Abby was right. "I never thought of it this way." I said in realization. "No one does, until the truth strikes them like lightening." She replied. "How do you know all this?" I asked lifting my head to her. "I had my heart broken before....it was like you and Katy...I still want to stab that old bitch in her sleep! And then bring her to Zayn and say, we can be together now!" My eyes widened. Too crazy, too crazy, too crazy! "Okaaaayyyy... I guess I'll go home." I said turning around. "Wait!" Abby stopped me. "Yeah?" I asked. "Who knows...I might be wrong." She smiled. "I don't think so." I said with a fake smile, and then carried on walking. I heard the door close behind me. Goodbye Katy, we shall be happy in our own paths.

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