No More Cookies!?

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(Backstage before the concert)

Katy's POV
"And then we started singing, and then we lost our voice so we couldn't sing, and then we sat on the couch, and then I told her that I will arrange it and then-" Abby was explaining how we ended up here in the first place. Maybe next time I should do the talking.
"Katy! What do we do? Where do we go? What is happening!?" Tristan asked nervously. "I don't know, but I will find out in a second! You calm down, you're sweating like a pig!" I replied moving away from the eye watering smell. "Katy! I-" "Not now Brad!" I told Brad who was shaking. "But Kate it's-" "I said not now!" I started getting annoyed. "If not now, when I can't hold it in much longer!" He said as his face turned red. "Can't hold what?" I asked confused. "The pee!" He whisper-shouted in my ear. "Oh. Oohh! Well, you're not a baby! Go pee by yourself"!" I exclaimed. "No!" He refused. "Why not?" I got annoyed. "There's a spider in the bathroom!" He whispered.
"Well, what do expect me to do? Go with you!?" I laughed, but my laugh faded away when he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the bathroom. "Oh god." I mumbled.

Abby's POV
"Abby! Where are the cookies!?" James and Brad asked.
"Oh there's no more." I replied going back to my work. "What!?" They both shouted in my face. "No more cookies!?!?!" They cried out at the same time. They started to fake cry. I looked around panicking. "Oohh, for fucks sake where is Katy!?" I moaned.
Brad paused and started to laugh nervously. "Funny story." He said. "What have you done!?" I asked. "Well..." He started.


"Brad? Are you done in there!? I'm worried that you'll miss the concert!" Katy called out nervously. "Almost!" I called back zipping up my trousers. I opened the door and laughed at her. She rolled her eyes at me. "What?" She asked with her arms on her hips. "Thanks." I replied and was about to kiss her when she pulled away. "I am angry at you!" She turned around jokingly. I decided to play along.
"Why is that?" I asked with a fake cry. "First of all, there was no spider and you made me stay here waiting for what seemed like ages for you to finish peeing because you can't go on your own!" She couldn't keep a serious face anymore, she was smiling the hole way through her 'fight'. I started to laugh, she joined in. Something hit my mind which made me stop and get Katy worried. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I forgot my guitar at home in my room!" I started to panic. "Okay! Brad don't worry, I'll get it for you."
"You'll never be here on time!" I told her. She grabbed her car keys and ran out from the back door. I followed her to make sure she was okay. "Be careful!" I shouted. "I will!" She shouted back as she drove off. I walked back inside. A girl randomly came up to me started checking me out. I rolled my eyes and walked off.

(End of flashback)

Abby's POV
"So you mean to tell me you let her drive off alone at what 10:23pm in the streets of England!?" I exclaimed. "Relax! She is only going to my house! And besides, she said she'll be carefull." He tried to calm me down. "When a girl says she will be careful, she always ends up doing the exact opposite!" I shouted. "Okay! Okay I'll text her." He took out his phone and found Katy's number.

Brad: Hey Katy! Are you ok? Did you get the guitar yet? Call me when you have:)Xx

Katy's POV
I was driving as fast as I could, it was raining heavily and it was so dark, I could barely see where I was driving with the strongest lights.
My phone started buzzing. I stopped the car and took it out. I had received a text message from Brad.

Brad: Hey Katy! Are you ok? Did you get the guitar yet? Call me when you have:)Xx

I started ringing him. He picked up the phone. "Hello?" He asked. "Brad it's me-" I suddenly felt an awful hit and saw the lights of a car,
Then it all went pitch black.

Brad's POV
"Hello?" I asked on my phone. "Brad it's me-" Katy replied, but something wasn't right. After she said that it was her I heard a crash and then there was nothing else I could hear. "Katy? Katy! Katy are you okay!? Can you hear me!?" I started shouting.
"Oh no." James looked at me. He grabbed his car keys and ran to his car as fast as his legs could take him.
"James! Stop! I will go!" I shouted in the rain. "No Brad! If the concert starts, you have to be there!" He shouted back.
"But she's my girlfriend!" I ran closer to the car. "And you're the one who is responsible for whatever has happened to her."
He darkened an drove away. I looked down in realization. He was right, I'm responsible for this.
If I didn't tell her to go, she wouldn't get hurt. I just hope it's not too bad! "What have you done!?" A weak voice shouted behind me.
I turned around to face Abby, who was crying her eyes out. I looked at her with an emotionless face trying to hide the shame written all over my face. She slapped me as hard as she could. "This is my best friend for god sake! If something happens to her I will make sure you suffer!" She shouted as the tears and the rain dribbled on her face. "I'm sorry." I apologised. "No! Your apologies can't turn back time! It's all your fault!" She cried out. "What If she has just broken her leg or hand or something!?" I asked in frustration.
"What if she has broken her head or hasn't survived at all!?" She asked. I looked down. "If she has, I'd be lost for the end of time."
I said as I walked back in when I heard that man call our names.

James's POV
I was driving anywhere in hope to find Katy. I stopped the car when I saw a bunch of policemen. "Excuse me!" I ran to them.
"Have you seen a girl with blonde-brown hair about the about this hight anywhere?" I asked showing with my hand how tall she was.
"You mean the girl they put in hospital a few minutes ago?" The policeman said. My eyes widened. "Which hospital!?" I asked getting in my car. "The closest one there is son!" He said turning around and getting back to what they were doing.
"Thanks." I said as I drove off. I parked my car by the only hospital I could see. I ran inside breathing heavily.
"Sorry, can I help you?" A nurse asked me. "Yes, do you know where I could find Katy Jonson?" I asked.
"Let me take you to her." She replied. "Thank you." I followed.
She opened the door for me. I sat on the edge the bed. She was unconscious, but looked fine.
"She lost her memory." The doctor said. "What?" I asked in disbelief. "She can't remember anything. Maybe her friends and family could remind her but there is nothing else you could about it." I nodded at the man and tried to call Brad but he wouldn't pick up.
"We will let her go tomorrow." "Thank you." I said. Her eyes started to open. "Hi." I smiled. "Hi." She replied. "Are you feeling okay?"
"Yes...uumm...who are you?" My heart dropped. "I'm just James." "Okay James, can you take me home?" She asked.
"You remember your house?" I asked. "Well I hope I have one!" I rolled my eyes. "And what about Brad?" I asked. "Who?" She asked.
My eyes widened. "Oh no!" I exclaimed. Brad will probably kill himself if he finds out!

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