Double Everything!

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Bradley's POV
I woke up feeling quit grey this morning. I guess I miss the excitement when I woke up every morning just to spend the day with Katy...
but I guess now that we separated there's nothing to be excited about. I got a text from Tristan last night saying that he and James will hang out with James's girlfriend, Which I didn't need to know. I went out of my bedroom and sat in the kitchen just eating an apple for what seemed like ages. Then I called Rose to apologize but of course I changed my mind and hung up. After that I sat outside at my doorstep, doing absolutely nothing...............suddenly, Katy walked out of her house, with Abby. I smiled to myself and waved at Abby, she waved back.
Katy turned to my direction and froze, my smile kind of faded, but it came back when she smiled and came to sit next to me. Abby walked back in the house. "It's a sunny morning isn't it?" Katy asked looking at a giant oak tree next to the house opposite hers. "It's okay." I replied not looking at her. "I broke my promice." I said in disappointment. "I almost broke mine too." She replied as her smile faded away.
"Come in the garage we can talk there." I said. "No." She replied, "do you hate me?" I asked biting on my bottom lip. "If you remember our first conversation at your house I wouldn't have to answer." She said. "You might have changed your mind." I commented
finally turning to face her. "Brad I love you. And I would never hurt you the way you hurt me." She said turning around.
"Things are not turning out so perfect are they?" I huffed. "No, they're not." She answered. "You probably think that if you give me another chance it's just gonna get worst." I said. "I will not give up on you Brad, because I believe in you." She said. "You don't know how much I love you Kate." I said hugging her. "Me too." She replied closing her eyes. "Can't we just try again?" She asked pulling away.
"Good idea." I smiled. "And if the walls close in then let's just start it all again!" I started singing one of our band's songs.
"That's when the evening comes oh yeah the evening comes!" Surprisingly she knew the song very well. "Where did you here it?" I asked in a very pleasant shock. "I like listening to you guys when you play. Some times I hear you from my living room." She smiled blushing. "You're cheeks are rosy." I smirked. She blushed even more. "Shut up!" She exclaimed jokingly pushing me away.
"You know what I realized?" I asked. "What?" She smiled. "I don't have your phone number." I said taking out my phone. She took it and typed her phone number in...... At least I hope it was hers. "Happy?" She asked giving it back. "Almost." I said looking up at her. "What else?" She asked. "Go out on a date with me." She blushed again. "What's the reason?" "We never actually had a first date, we weren't exactly dating at all!" I laughed.
"Okay, you have persuaded me to come!" She smiled. I quickly kissed her and stood up. "Where are you going?" She asked standing up as well. "The boys will be here in an hour so I have to go." I explained. "We have an hour then!" She smiled. "I really have to go." I smiled back. "Fine." She huffed. That reminded me of...well, me! I think I said this to her. I kissed her again but this time it was
a bit better, at least in my opinion. "I have to go." I pulled away. "Okay but wait!" She stopped me and kissed me again. "I think the boys will be fine." I smiled
and sat back down. We hugged and spoke to each other until the boys came. Connor looked at me and Katy. "I see everything's back to normal!" He glanced at Katy. We just nodded. Tristan came up to us as well. "Okay enough guys! We have songs to record!" He said pulling me away. "Bye!" I exclaimed. "Bye bye!" She smiled. James came up to her. "Hey Katy how are you?" He asked. "I am wonderful!!" She exclaimed jumping into a hug. She pulled away and looked at him brightly. "Brad asked me out!!!" She smiled. James's eyes widened. "That's awesome!" He exclaimed smiling. "Can I kiss you!?" He asked. "Huh?" Katy asked confused. He pressed his lips onto her cheek, she didn't do anything in return. James blushed. How girly can you get dude!? I didn't mind James kissing her....well that doesn't mean he can do it all the time! "Well I'm off bye!" James said to her as he caught up with us. "Bye! Good luck recording!" She smiled. "Bye!!!!" We all shouted back smiling. I walked away but forgot my heart with her. I smiled as the boys were commenting and making fun of me
but I didn't mind. "True love!!!" I heard Abby sing to us. "Love!!!" The boys continued. "See you later Trist!" She giggled.
"Ba-bye! See you at the mall!" Tristan replied. We walked in the garage and started recording straight away, without warming up or saying which song we were gonna record.

Katy's POV
Me and Abby walked in the house. She pushed me on the sofa and sat next to me in excitement, "So what happened? Cause first he was all like 'Oh Katy why are you like this?'" She imitated Brad in a low voice. "And you were all like 'But Brad it's all your fault!'" She imitated me with her normal voice. "And then both of you were like 'Uh! Oh! Fuck me Brad! Fuck me Katy! Ooh!!!'" She continued making those horrible sex noises and all those moans. I swear we didn't do that! "Aaaahhhh!!!! Enough! Okay okay, I got your point!" I said hoping to shut her up. "So why are you so happy?" She asked. "He asked me out!!!!" I giggled. We screamed and started happy dancing like crazy. "That's great! We can have a double date with you and Brad and me and Tristan!" She laughed.
"Yeah!" I agreed. "Oh! And then we can have a double wedding and then we will have double twins! And then we can both have the same puppies!!!!" She jumped on a spot. " about we see how the date goes first?" I calmed her down.
"Good idea." She finally took her breath. "But then we can have double everything!" I turned to her and smiled. "Yeyyy!!!!!!" We laughed. "Let's celebrate with a song!" She smiled. "Okay!" I tapped my foot. "La la mmm-la la!" She started to sing and Ed Sheeran song. "I met this girl late last year she said don't you worry if I disappear I told her I'm not really looking for another mistake!" I carried on. "I called an old friend thinking that the trouble could wait!" She continued. "But then I jump right in a week later returned and she was only waiting for her lover to burn!" We both sang/shouted. We sang the entire song over and over again until we couldn't even speak because of all this shouting. We dropped on the couch and started giving more ideas about our double life.

Tristan's POV
"So are you gonna brake up tomorrow and then get back together the next day?" I asked Brad when we finished recording.
"What!? No! Why would we do that!?!" He asked making a weird face. "Well that's pretty muck what happens all the time, so I just thought...maybe it's a hobby?" I answered lifting my shoulders. "No! That wasn't a hobby, it was just a mistake!" He replied ridiculously. "Yeah, a mistake that you make every single day." I replied sarcastically. "You're so stupid dude." He smiled and turned back to his guitar. "I'm stupid? You're the one who makes the same mistake every day!" I exclaimed. "Dude just shut up!" He laughed.
I looked at the others who joined in laughing. "What? What did I say!?" I asked not understanding why they reacted like this.
They laughed even harder. "It's truth!" I exclaimed. I put on my headphones and started listening to whatever I had in my MP3 player.
"You're killing me lad!" I heard Connor shout between his crazy laughs. He laughed so hard that he fell off his seat.
"Am I the only normal person here?" I asked myself. But then I forgot about it and went back to listening to my music.

Abby's POV
We were talking for about an hour but stopped ourselves when we heard Brad starting to sing a song on his guitar.
"So do do do do, do do do you wanna, you wanna move my way? And maybe, I don't wanna change." His voice was really good!
"I've never heard him sing before!" I exclaimed. "Well, what do you think?" Katy asked me smiling.
"I think I have a friend which has a friend which has another friend which arranges concerts!" I exclaimed in excitement.
"Oh my goodness! Are you trying to tell me-" I interrupted her since I knew what she was planning to say.
"Yes! I can arrange their first concert!" I answered even more excited. "Aaaahhhh!!!!! That's awesome! I can't wait to tell Brad!"
She squealed. "Hello double life!" I jokingly said in a funny voice. "That's great!" Katy giggled. "Yeyyy!" We both smiled.
"You're starting to sound like your mum!" I said kind of weirdly. "Yeah I think I've missed the teen attitude." She said.
(A second of silence...) we looked at each other and both started laughing. "So should should should I, should I should I wanna, I wanna feel this way? So tell me why can't, we just stay the same?" He sang louder as the others started playing for him.
"So tell me why can't we just stay the same!?" We started singing at the top of our lungs. It was only 12:14am! What could we do!?
"Let's arrange a concert then!" I smiled showing my phone to Katy. "Aaahhh!!!! Come on come on come!!!!!!" She screamed and shook me. "Okay, okay!" I laughed calming her down. I called and started asking about big stadiums and famous photographers,
and thankfully they had everything. It was so exciting! This was going to be BIG!!!

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