Just Drive

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Connor's POV
I couldn't sleep all night when I found out about what happened with Katy.
"Do you think she's okay?" I asked Brad in the morning.
"I have to go and see her, I hope she is fine." Brad tolled me.
"I can't believe she lost her memory!" I said.
Brad spat out the tea he had in his mouth.
"What!?!?!?!" He asked panicking.
"You didn't know?" I asked confused.
"Where is James!?" He asked grabbing his car keys.
"Uuhhh...still in the hospital." I said sipping out of my mug.
"Shit!" Brad hissed.
"What?" I asked not knowing why he was like this.
"I will be back in a couple of hours, do not move!" He warned.

Bradley's POV
I called James the moment I started the car.
"Hello?" James asked on the other line.
"Why didn't you fucking tell me!?" I shouted as I was driving.
"I tried to call you the moment I found out but you didn't pick up the phone." He
"Is she okay?" I asked calming down.
"Yes... But you have to know something." James replied.
"What?" I asked. "She doesn't remember you." He said nervously.
"Good." I said parking the car by the hospital.
"Good!?" He repeated.
"I can meet with her again and make our relationship easier." I explained.
"But what if she doesn't like you this time?" He asked.
I hung up. I was walking towards the hospital. A nurse asked me if I needed help.
"I am looking for Katy Jonson." I Said. "Her room is that way." She told me.
"Thanks." I ran to it and opened the door.
She was asleep. I sat on the couch since James was on the edge of the bed.
"She's fine." James assured me. "I put my head in my palms.
She woke up. "Hi." James smiled. "Hey." She replied smiling back. She glanced at me.
"Hello." She said. "Hi, I'm Bradley Will Simpson." I said smiling. "Are you someone that I knew?" She asked.
"Uuhh...no, I don't think so. I've never seen you before." I lied. "Why are you here then?" She asked.
"I'm a friend of James." I replied with another lie. "Oh, James is a lovely guy! He was with me all night. I don't know if I knew him before, but I am glad I do now." She smiled holding onto his hand. I stood up and headed towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Katy asked me standing up. She was still wearing her clothes from last night.
"To get some fresh air." I said with a fake smile. "I'll come with you!" She said walking towards me. "Okay... but just so you know, it's quit cold for you to be out there with this short black dress on." I warned. "Here you go." James said putting his coat on her. "Thanks." She smiled. We walked outside and sat on a bench.
"So, you and James are pretty close now huh?" I asked. "No not really. He said I used to have a crush on some guy, ever since he told me I've been trying to remember." She explained. (Talking about Katy) "I used to have a crush on a girl too you know." I said.
"I'd be surprised if you didn't." She smiled. ( Katy thinks Brad is talking about someone else) "The girl also had lost her memory. I was so afraid she would not feel the same way as she did before, I wanted to leave but-" Katy interrupted me. "Brad, she had lost her memory, but her feelings haven't changed, they're still there, just...they don't know who they're for." When I heard her say Brad, I froze.
"Did you say,...,...,Brad?" I asked. "I don't know where this came from!....who are you?" She shivered.
"Are you cold? I can make you a cup of tea." I changed the topic.
"No...no I think I should be heading home now, they let me go like half an hour ago but I was too tired." She replied standing up.
"You don't remember Rose do you?" I accidentally spilled the words out without thinking. "Rose?" She turned around. "Never mind!" I said.
"You said you don't know me, and then suddenly you start asking me awkward things that make me feel like you know everything about me, my life and my friends!" She tried to shout but lost her voice. "Tell me the truth, Brad." She said quietly.
"You want the truth? I do not know you. I am just a 19 year old guy who is totally lost." I lied...but a large part of the lie was true. "Fine." She huffed and walked inside the hospital and into her room. I followed. "James come on." She said taking his car keys.
"Give me the keys." James ordered. She threw them across the room to James and turned to the door. "Are you coming with us or driving alone?" James asked me.
"Driving alone." I said as I put on my black leather jacket. We walked out and got in our cars. "I'll meet you at my house!" I tolled James as I drove off. "Ok!" He called out.

Katy's POV
"Where is my phone?" I asked James as I scanned through my bag.
"It was totally broken when that van went over your car!" James replied.
"Be thankful your bag is okay." He added. "So...Brad." I started.
"What about Brad?" James asked as we drove off.
"Do I know him?" I asked biting my bottom lip.
"uuhhh...no, no I don't think it's possible...eerr...it's the first time he comes in Birmingham so, I doubt that you've met him before." He replied.
"Huff...and what about Rose?" I asked. James chuckled. "R-Rose?" He asked with a shivery voice. "Hah! So I do know Brad!" I shouted. He stopped the car on the side of the rode. "Now what does Rose have to do with Brad!?" He asked. "Brad asked me if I remember her! Which means that he knew her, which means that if I did know Rose, I would have at least heard of Brad!" I exclaimed. "You know Rose because she used to date Brad and you so her once...she hated you so you decided you hate her too and that's all there is to it!" He shouted in my face. We both were silent for a moment, and then we turned back to facing the road. He started driving again.
"And what about Connor? And Tristan?" I asked. Oh my gosh! Am I starting to remember things or am I just spilling out junk!? "You remember them!?" James asked in disbelief. "Don't know don't care." I said turning around to face my window. "So you don't care that you forgot about your past and you are completely lost?" James asked. "Just drive." I huffed.

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