Chapter 17

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Alex's POV

"Congratulation Knight Academy! Holder of the 2020 championship award! See you all next year."

So yeah we won the game yesterday and now the ladies are champions but unfortunately Vanessa was no where to be seen.

Now we are boarding the bus and we will be on our marry way.

"So, Amber I'm sorry again." I said.

"Its cool I'm sorry I kissed you." she said as she played with her hands.

"Whoever the lucky girl is she is lucky to have you" She said again

"I hope this does not ruin the friendship we have?"

"Of course not. Were still friends" She said

I smiled and we went to the bus we decided to sit together making the guys whistle.

Guys will always be guys I thought as I rolled my eyes at them.

"So why did you kiss me anyway?" I asked Amber when we sat down.

"Well to be honest I had a crush on you for a while now. To be honest I like someone else he just doesn't seem to be interested and then you came and I was intrigued by you and kind of forgot about him for a moment." She said looking at me

"Wow so I was your rebound crush." I said

she smacked my shoulders and we laughed.

"You know this person though" She said making me raise my brow as I looked at her curiously.

"No I will not tell you who he is." She said sternly making me chuckle.

"So next week were having a party at Mike's house you want to come? You didn't attend the first one right?" I asked

"Uhm sure I'll be there." she said. we talked about random things until we arrived.

Mom picked me up at school and I told her what happened. she seemed worried at first but I assured her I was fine.

The next morning I went to school and first thing I realized was there are a lot of students absent. Including Veronica and Mike the twins and all of Vanessa's friends.

We are now eating lunch me Nick and Amber, I asked her to join us and she agreed.

"Weird. A lot of students are absent." I said looking around the cafeteria.

"I know right?" Amber said

We ate in silence and after eating we all went to class Amber has a different schedule than us so we went our separate ways.

"Why were you so quiet during lunch" I asked Nick.

"Was I? I was just thinking where the rest of the gang is." He said

"Yeah right. tsk. (eye roll) you blushed every time Amber looked at you." I said smirking at him

"I was not. Besides she is your girl."

"What do you want me to tell you first? First, just by the mention of her name got you blushing like crazy. Second she is not my girl she is as single and as available as you are. Now dont be a pussy and go woo that girl." I said poking at his red puffy cheeks while smirking at him.

"Shut up I'm not blushing!" He insisted as he swat my hands from poking his cheeks making me laugh at him.

"Shut up Lee" He said glaring at me. I just raised both my head surrendering as I continue to grin.

Nothing happened for the whole day the absent students came back the next day saying that they were either sick or had a family problem.

Friday night arrived and it's party time!! Mike's parents are so cool allowing us to use their house to party.

I went to the party wearing a simple jeans and t-shirt.

I arrived early with the gang to help Mike with the preparations.

After a while guest started arriving, I got myself a beer and I went to the dining area just to find my gang and a couple of students in a circle. I'm surprised to see Vanessa without Abigail attached to her hips.

"Alex let's play truth or dare!"

"Sure why not" I said joining them in the circle

I drank the rest of the beer and gave the bottle to Mike for the game.

I sat next to Nick who was sitting next to Amber I gave him a knowing smile and wiggled my eyebrows earning a glare from him.

Mike twisted the bottle and landed on a guy with blond hair I think his name is Philex.

"Dude let me think. Oh here is a good one. Have you ever picked your nose and then ate it?" Mike asked

"Dud that's gross what the hell" Said Vanessa

"What it's just a question. Want to change it to dare?" Mike said

"It's alright I'll answer it. Yes I have when I was a kid. And I know for a fact that some of you did as well" He said casually earning a couple of ewws and yuck and laughs.

"Good choice I would've dared you to pick your nose and eat it." Mike said grinning.

Veronica being Veronica of course gave him a smack earning a lot of comments such as "Whipped" and laughs.

Philex got the bottle and twisted it and it landed on Veronica.

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to put an Ice cube on your bra for 60 seconds!" Philex said

I was supposed to say hey and Mike was also supposed to argue but Roni laughed and said easy peazy like it's normal.

She got an ice cube put it on her bra and we just timed it. After 60 seconds she removed the cube and her shirt was already wet but she just continued playing like it was nothing.

We continued playing until the bottle landed on Vanessa.

"Dare" she said

"Kiss the lips of the person you think is attractive in the room" Said Nick

She stood up and to my surprise she stopped to me and gave me a peck I thought she was going to disconnect our lips but she started moving. She is such a good kisser like what the hell! I responded as well until I felt a cold water thrown to our face.

"The f*ck!" I shouted and looked up only to see Abigail looking at us.

"Babe it's just a game besides you were not in the room when they gave me the question I wouldve picked you." Vanessa tried to reason out.

We all stopped playing and watched the two argue. I on the other hand stood up and walked out in frustration. I can't read Vanessa! First she wants to kill me next she looks at me like I'm the only girl in the world then she bullies me then kiss me then goes back to her girlfriend! I couldve had a boyfriend or a girlfriend by now but no I was still hoping of being with her.

What is her deal? She is playing with me and here I am letting her! I let Amber go because even though we are not together and she has a girlfriend I feel like I'm cheating on her!

I can't walk out fast enough because of my feet so I just went to Mikes room got myself a shirt and changed then went to my car. I sent a text message to everyone saying I need to go home and sent another message to Mike saying I got a shirt from his drawer.

I saw Vanessa call me but I ignored her and just sped of.

When I arrived home I went straight to my room and showered before going to sleep.

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