Chapter 38

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Nick's POV

After hearing the whole truth about who are friends were and who Alex was Amber and I well to say we were scared was not the right term more like we were shocked. I w=sneaked in her house that night and we cuddled.

"Can you believe it?"Amber asked

"I know right. now it makes me wonder who is human and who is a wolf in our school." I replied

"Does this mean Vampires are real as well" Amber asked

"Right now I don't know what to believe."

"It's kid off cool though being friends with them." She said

"I know right. At least now I know how they were able to have home runs during the championship game. now that I think about it it all makes sense.'

"You are right its like finally putting in the last piece to complete the puzzle." She said.

"Are you not scared of them?" I asked

"Well no. If they had any plan of harming me well I think they would've done it a long time ago" She replied

"Well you have a point there and here I am trying to be all macho on you when you said no."

"why what would you have said if I said no?" She asked

"Well I would've told you that you should not worry, that even if they are wolves I would literally fight them to death if they did you any harm.'' I replied

"You are so cheesy you know that? Not only that but you are so corny its like you are a corn dipped in cheese" She said

"Well I'd be honored. I know I would taste delicious" I replied cockily.

The next morning we went to school and met the group.

"Veronica and Mike can you do us a favor?" I asked

"What is that?" Mike asked

"Well now that I know who you guys really are can you explain what happened last night to us?" I asked

Mike and the rest of the group and to shock us all including Vanessa's group went to our table and started telling us the history of wolves.

"Woah I can't believe what a heavy burden it is is for Alex, I feel sorry for Vanessa " Amber said

"Well so congrats to the two of you." Mike said to us

"Why is that?" I asked

"Well you two should be honored no human should know about our existence not unless you are mated to one of us. So far you two are the only person who was allowed to know. so you two should keep your mouth shut and not tell anyone about us or else the Alpha might not be too kind" Philex warned us.

"Alpha" Amber asked

"Well he is like the king and everyone follows his rules he is the ruler of all and the next in line is his children. Since Vanessa's brother is dead then Van is the next in line Alpha. the mate of the Alpha in this case Alex is called Luna the equal of the Alpha next is the Beta which is like the second in command or advisor of the Alpha and the Gamma which is the third in command or the person in charge or training wolves more like he or she is the commander in an army." You understand?
"Whoa that is so cool this is sick bro!" I said

Well a couple more minutes of chatting then the bell rang. Classes flew by fast after a while the gang and I went to the forest and Well Mike and Veronica shifted to their wolves.

"Woah Amazing! You look exactly like Jake from twilight!" Amber said to Mike making him scoff and Veronica grinned wildly. both wolves sat down and motioned us to hop on. we did and then the next thing we know we are running so fast up the woods!

After sometime they brought us home. To say it was an amazing experience was an understatement. well at least now I know my friends better.

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