Chapter 35

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Alex's POV

We started walking deep to the forest and Nessa is bubbling on and on about something I don't really care for the moment. I had been feeling weird lately like someone or something is in me, I think I'm going crazy, a while ago I snapped and I don't snap people who have short temper snap but not me, uh uh I am Alex I don't snap but I did and now I just proved my point by being crazy who in their right mind use snap that many times in a sentence?!

"Babe? Are you listening to me?" Nessa asked.

"Sorry about that I just got lost in my thought for a second. What were you saying again?" i asked her she looked at me weirdly. We arrived at the waterfall and sat on the bench her father put up for us.

"What is running in that pretty little head of yours? Come on you can tell me." She encouraged me.  I took a deep breath and let it out which sounded more like a sigh.

" I don't know I feel like I'm going crazy, lately since after the game I feel like someone or something is in me specially when I'm asleep when I wake up I feel like I never slept at all. One night I woke up and I'm in front of the refrigerator." 

"Babe it's not uncommon for people to sleep walk." She said 

"Yeah but the thing is I am not walking. I am holding the left over turkey we ate that night and my hand was holding the leg eating it to my hearts content!" she was looking at me weirdly then she started smiling like she won the lottery or something. Well that kind of pissed me of but I continued rambling about what happened, I stood up and started walking back and forth.

"And that is not the crazy part! I want to stop but I cant move I feel like someone or something took over my body! And here you are smiling like this is good news or something!" I said and walked out well because I'm pissed and of course for much more convincing dramatic effect. ;)

"Babe slow down. I'm sorry it's just that I imagined you in your pj's eating the turkey and you are all covered in oil its just so cute" She shouted making me stop and face her.

"Really that is some lame excuse for almost laughing at my face after hearing my crazy ass story'' I replied. She looked at me gently then cupped my cheeks.

"Babe what ever it is your feeling I'm here I'm sorry for smiling earlier but I assure you It is all for the best. I'm here don't ever thin you are alone on this one okay? I love you and if you are crazy then you are my crazy." She said tenderly as she gave me her million dollar smile making my insides melt.

I can't help but lean over and gave her a kiss.

Someone had a better idea and pushed us in the waterfall. Well if you are thinking that we are kissing underwater you're crazy -_-!

I flopped around until I reached the surface and started breathing heavily then she came out as well.

"Are you crazy?! Do you want us to drown or something?!" I said

"Or something" She replied casually like nothing happened!

I looked at her in disbelief like she was crazy or something.

"What? I thought it would be romantic to have a kiss underwater like in the movies" She said

 ""Babe you know that, that ain't true. I don't know what kind of sorcery they do in tho f*cking movies but one thing is for sure kissing  with air all over we still run out of oxygen kissing underwater is just madness what the hell happens if you ran out of oxygen you cant pull out and breath cause you are freaking under water unless you breath water then that's cool but for me I need air." I started yapping like a mad dog barking at the postman.

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