4.A Get together with old friends

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I kept on going through the details for the party, I had a nagging suspicion that I was missing something.

blue cake-check,



then what was I missing?.....

And then it struck me, invitations...

What is a party without people?

Almost laughing at myself I called camp and told Chiron to tell all the campers to drive to Sally's home for Percy's party.

I was about to take the train to Percy's when I saw a piece of paper on my desk, I frowned, my room was completely tidy and plain. I keep it like that so I dont get distracted while studying. I unfolded the piece of paper.

It was a phone number, I looked at the name, 

Sadie Kane

It had been almost been half a year since I had seen or spoken to Sadie and on an impulse, I decided to call her, might as well use the party to get together with her and carter.

I called, she picked up after three rings 

"um hello?", I asked into the phone uncertainly

"well now she calls", Sadie says sounding grumbly.

"So about that... Can you and Carter come to Percy's party?"

 "Oh no.no.no Chase you are not getting of that easy. I dont care if you have been saving the world, I think you owe the person who told you her secret name, willingly might I add, a call. You didnt have enough time to call me for a whole year?" she screams

I hear muffled voices in the background.

well I guess she was right in a way. I really didnt know why I didnt call her. But whether she was right or not didnt matter , a daughter of Athena never admits defeat, not unless its strategic.

So I did the only logical thing

"Sadie I'm really busy with Percy's party okay, Just come tonight. I'll see you at eight, Bye!"

I cut the call, and sighed.

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