5.My Party Is Interrupted By a Wolf

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By 8:30 the party was in full swing.

 Annabeth really had thought of everything. I looked at her, she was standing near the windows drinking fruit punch and talking to Piper and Rachel.

I could see that she was happy to see Piper back to her old self, for months after Jason's death she was moping around looking sad and dreary, I mean she never cried, atleast not in front of us, but she was so sad that even Leo's jokes were not making her laugh.

I walked toward Annabeth and snaked my arm around her waist, she looked at me and smiled sorry 'ladies but I need to borrow Annabeth for a moment' I said, 'of course, Percy go ahead' Rachel hugged me and said, piper leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek 'Happy birthday Percy' she said while pulling away, 'thank you pipes' I replied.

'I feel so happy my first year that actually went without no monster attacks, no prophecies, and no amnesia' I said grinning, 'yeah actually this year has been uneventful and peaceful,' Annabeth said, 'Don't jinx it' I said 'yeah, one thing I have learned from all these years is that never ever tempt the fates by announcing that you have no problems it always ends badly,' Piper says looking down, in that one gesture I knew she was thinking of Jason and all the adventures they had been through till Jason left her.

I took Annabeth's hand and we took a lap around the room, we saw Leo standing next to Calypso talking to Frank and Hazel they had come all the way from San Fransisco just for my party. I saw Conner and Travis flirting with Katie and Lou.

I saw my mom, Paul, and Tyson standing near the door welcoming any other guests looking happy to be together and have me home safe and sound.

I saw Chiron standing with Reyna talking about the construction program that was going on in new Rome, since the war against Caligula and Commodus they had been rebuilding the camp temples according to Jason's diorama.

Finally, Annabeth took me toward my room and stopped near the door 'hey seaweed brain' she said breaking my train of thought 'hi wise girl' I retort, 'thank you' I say 'for what?' she says looking confused, 'the party is amazing, I couldn't have asked for a better birthday' I say 'the real fun has not even started' she said looking around as if searching for someone and then suddenly she turned to me.

'I haven't even given you your birthday present yet', she said as if it was a grave mistake that would kill me, 'you didn't have to get me anything every day with you is a gift', I said looking into her stormy gray eyes, she bit her lip and looked at me with a question in her eyes and I immediately understood, I leaned forward to kiss her.

'Ahem...', said a voice behind us I saw a blonde British girl with blue eyes and blue streaks in her hair wearing a blue crop top with black jeans and combat boots, holding a long box tied with a ribbon, she was standing next to a tall boy with coffee bean brown skin and melted chocolate eyes wearing a white short sleeve t-shirt, Black jeans, black leather jacket, and combat boots.

'Sorry to interrupt but happy birthday Percy and here is your present', she says 'Sadie. you made it' Annabeth said moving forward to hug her. Sadie hugged Annabeth gave me the present and said 'This is my boyfriend Walt' 'so you are Sadies boyfriend huh' says Annabeth 'nice to finally meet you Walt' she shook his hand,'hey man nice to meet you I'm Percy and this is my girlfriend Annabeth' I say 'yeah nice to meet you too' I've heard a lot about you from Sadie he says 'where is Carter?' Annabeth asks 'He and Zia will be here in some minutes, he came out dressed as a junior professor wearing a white shirt and crisp grey slacks so I sent him back inside to change and since he was taking forever I and Walt came over, using a portal through the duat '.

As if on cue Carter Kane walked into the room looking completely normal in a sky blue t-shirt and black jeans his arm around the waist of a beautiful girl she looked around 17 the same age as me one day ago, she wore a simple Black linen dress with a gold necklace that looked like blossoming flowers, her hair was pulled into a high ponytail with the loose strands tucked behind her ear, her amber eye's that looked like predators glowed with warmth she looked like one of those actresses in the action movies beautiful but if crossed dangerous.

Carter walked over and immediately said 'Hey man' raising his hand for a high-five I obliged he shook hands with Annabeth, she started talking 'Hello Carter.. Zia, nice to finally meet you' she hugged Zia and Zia turned to me I shook her hand, 'hello Zia,' I said.

And then from the corner of my eye, I saw something, Conner was running toward me 'Percy, Annabeth ... 'he gasped, 'something is wrong we saw a young girl being chased by wolves with glowing red eyes'

'Lycaon..' Piper and Leo said together, 'lei-see who?' I asked feeling confused 'ly-say-on seaweed brain, son of Pelasgus, the mythical first king of Arcadia He wanted to test the divinity of Zeus by serving the god a slaughtered child. Zeus was furious and he destroyed the fifty sons of Lycaon with lightning-bolts and transformed the king into a wolf'. 'Why would he feed him a child and why did zeus turn him into a wolf why not something else?' I asked 'that is not the point, the point is if she is being chased by Lycaon she is a demigod and by the looks of it a powerful one, Lycaon does not usually hunt demigods unless they are very powerful or unique,' she said, the whole room fell quiet, finally Annabeth spoke 'if she is being chased by then we need to get her to camp... now'.

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