Ch.34: Naruto Revels his love for June

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June's POV

After what Naruto said about my father. I just laid in bed and cry myself to sleep. 

But knew I couldn't stay in bed for the rest of the day. I was going to have and get up eventually to eat.

I looked out the window, noticing that it was now night time. However, the night seemed a lot darker than usual. Plus there were absolutely no stars to be seen.

Then it probably seems darker because I feel all alone without father, my brother, and Kabuto.

A meowing snapped me out of my thoughts, and I turned around to see Roy and Aqua emerge from behind the door to my bedroom. My eyes widened.

"What are you doing here. Didn't I leave you went Ryuu?" I asked.

"Well, we were told you seem upset. By the messenger snake Luna. So we had Ryuu send us home to check on you, " Roy explained.

"I'm fine I just got in an argument with a friend, " I replied.

"Okay. Then go eat your food. That I saw just sitting on the stove" Roy said.

I hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom to shower. Once I was done showering, I changed into more comfortable clothes consisting of a black shirt with a snake symbol on it, purple pants, and black sandals.

"I will be back you two. I'm going for a walk then I promise I eat something when I get back, "I said to Rot and Aqua.

I walk out of my room and headed to the front door to leave my house. To go for a late-night walk to clear my mind. I then began to walk away from my house, enjoying the quietness of the empty Konoha streets. Everyone in their right mind had to be sleeping by this hour.

I, however, was far from being in my right mind. I was completely all over the place now, My father dad, Kabuto, and my brother aren't here with me. My best friend yelled at me and insulted my father. I just felt like everything was falling apart on me. I felt just all alone now.

I did have my old team and sensei along with Kiba who is pretty my ex-boyfriend. Since we been apart for so long and decided to take a break from dating at least until I recover from the loss of my father. I just didn't want to risk being close to someone and just lose them again. My heart just wasn't able to handle the pain of losing another person I care about.

I sighed, passing a convenience store and blowing my bangs out of my face.

What I didn't expect to see, however, was Naruto, sitting on a bench. He was looking down at the ground beneath him, completely unaware of my presence. A double popsicle was in his hand dripping onto the floor untouched.

I stared at him for a long while, completely silent. I coughed, and he looked up.

His eyes met mine, and then my frustration disappeared.

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