Chapter Three

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You could hear the screams from several miles away. Men, women and children alike were calling out at the tops of their lungs as mechanical arms threw them about in all different directions. Lights flashing to the beat of a bass tune, the smell cotton candy, all added to the hypnotic sight that lay before the Titans.

The Fayre was in town.

The Titans made a point of attending the amusement park every year. They never missed it. How could they? It was a place where they could all be themselves, no special abilities, no responsibilities, no hero business. The excitement of blending in with hundreds of people was intoxicating. It had been a long and trying day for the young superheroes, yet they welcomed this late-night respite. It might be the last one they have in a long while.

After being released into the open field, the heroes set about a divide and conquer stratagem. Beast Boy fought off new challengers at the Dance Cube. The only one allowed to beat his high score was him, though, on their first trip here, Damian beat him. An event that the Green Shape Shifter liked to forget. In other sections of the battleground, the Titans found their own targets. Jaime battled a new Test of Strength game, while Donna confronted the Hoop Shoots determined to prove her accuracy. Koriand'r took Richard on a Rollercoaster ride; it was an exhilarating and romantic way to simulate flight without any effort from the alien princess. Raven and Damian teamed together scouting for any formidable opponents. Raven found one. Spinning Cups. With the Wayne heir in tow, the Azrathean raced towards the ride.

"Raven, doesn't this look a little... juvenile?" Damian raised a singular brow at the girl who was climbing into the small bowl-like contraption. It tilted at the weight of the girl's entrance and began to turn on an angle. "I doubt it's even passed a recent health and safety inspection."

Making herself comfortable, Raven turned to Damian with a challenging smirk. "You're not afraid of a little vertigo, are you?"

Matching her smirk with his own, Damian stepped into the giant container and closed the door; his movements purposeful and controlled. "I'm not afraid of anything."

"If you could all take your seats, the ride is about to start," The ride attendants went about doing their safety checks. "Alrighty Folks," the announcer continued. "Please keep your hands inside the Cups and remain seated till the ride has come to a complete stop. Are we all ready? Here we go!"

The young Wayne took the seat in front of his companion as the hazardous vehicle began to move. Looking around, he quickly observed the types of people around them. There were children, a few in attendance of adults and others without, some cups carried older couples in their twenties snuggling up against one another. Then in a far corner, there was a couple sharing a more intimate embrace. They were so engrossed in one another that Damian's green eyes quickly sought his palms.

What a peculiar crowd. As the thought came to the teenager, a familiar frown made its way on to his face. He could feel a warmth inching its way up to his pale neck. It was an unusual and uncomfortable sensation, one that he tried to quell instantly.

During his deliberations, Raven had turned her attention to the turning table that sat between them, reaching out, she began to rotate it. It was stiffer than expected. With an almost inaudible grunt, Raven used all her mortal strength to spin the table, yet it would not budge. After a few failed attempts, she was just about ready to give up, when at the last second that the 'hazardous vehicle' began to move along the track. As it went, the cup started to turn with the spinning table in Raven's hands. It made the young sorceress' lips upturn ever so slightly, much to the confusion of her fellow teen.

The Boy Wonder was still trying to diagnose the purpose of the ride.

Was it, simply, to get dizzy? That couldn't be a desirable constitution.

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