Chapter 2 "The Organization"

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A pair of feet gently touched the ground. One after another, they silently made their way to the destination and stopped. She wiggled her toes and the silence was broken by the sound of a rifle bolt closing. In the dim light of the stars, a young girl stood in her robe, slowly waving in the breeze as she took a breath and placed the feet of the bipod on the ledge. The crosshairs made their way to the open window of the building across the block and waited patiently. A man in grey suit entered the room and sat down, lighting a cigar and opening a book. Another man with slick black hair, entered the room and stood across from him with a look of disgust.

"I believe we have a situation." said the slick man. The older gentleman finished his puff and smiled.

"Not a difficult one." he replied.

"Rumors spread like wildfire in this town you know."

"I hear that a lot, often wonder if it is the greatest rumor of all." said the older man.

"You know one of us has to leave. This town is vast but it's crowded with a pair of titans like us." said the slick man.

"Oh I assure you it won't be crowded very long. The only question is which of us gets to stay. Luckily I have a fair solution for us." he said placing down a gold coin.

"Plan to buy me out, old man?" said slick.

"No I plan to give you a choice. You have two children, don't you?" said the older man. Slick turned pale at the very idea. "Relax...I am not threatening your family. I never kill children, and I never kill anyone who doesn't need to die. What I am informing you of, is a simple fact. You have others to think of besides yourself, and I have my rules. What kind of life would they have without their father around?" he puffed.

"You think I am afraid of you and a little sinister word-play?" slick said opening his jacked slightly and showing the gleam of a pistol.

"You wouldn't dare fire that thing in this house. You know the rules, you can shoot me but you'll be executed for it. Your children will be exiled. You worked very hard to get where you are, not many men in your position are allowed to have children. I made an exception this one time because we had history, and now you are making me regret it. This world has its rules and you have broken too many. So, you have one last choice. If you retire, your family will get to have a father. If you refuse, then I will retire you, and your children go back in the system."

"Strong words from an unarmed man, using my kids as leverage like that. I thought you were better then that, Roman."

"I made mistake can be corrected and if you think you have the upper hand in this room, then you don't deserve to be called a Surgeon." Roman replied.

"Then what shall we call ourselves, old man? A Surgeon dishonored and a surgeon who kills his own kind...maybe we should both retire." he said lighting touching the handle of his pistol.

"No, not just yet. I am afraid you outlived your purpose and now I see that you were a failure on my part. Some day I will retire as well, but not tonight, old friend." he said rekindling his cigar with a smooth drag. The window shattered and slick jolted to the side, a mist of red jetting from his shoulder where the rifle round entered. Roman stood up and in a quick motion he unsheathed a dagger from his coat and re-sheathed it in Slick's neck. He sighed as the dead man fell to the carpet. He looked to the window and shook his head, touching his earpiece.

"I thought I told you to wait for my signal." he muttered. The blonde girl rolled her eyes.

"I heard his tell, he was about to reach for his weapon." she argued.

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