Chapter 10 "Blood of a Roman"

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"Shit, shit shit." Roman huffed as he darted down the alley looking for a particular ATM on a particular corner. He slid to a stop as the town-square clock struck midnight, spotting his ATM, and punched in a string of numbers into it, opening the entire front panel. He pitched the MP5 like it was useless and pulled out a 50 caliber bullpup rifle, followed by a short-sword and strange looking metal gauntlet. He pulled out a med kit and stuck a syringe in his neck, injecting himself with a full dose of something that glowed slightly and by the look on his face, stung like hell." His pupils dilated and he flexed the glove, triggering some kind of power-up sound as if charging. He placed a riot mask on his face and kicked the ATM shut, turning to see The German still singing his demonic song of doom.

"Alright, big boy...playtime." He said pausing for a moment as of bracing for a bad night and then sprint towards him. He slowed slightly, raising his rifle and firing 3 consecutive shots, immediately dropping the barrel to let it cool and lifting his left arm up as the glove formed some sort of transparent energy shield. As the shield formed, he curled down behind it to avoid the wall of fire that deflected around him. As the burst stopped, he disengaged the shield and swung the rifle back up, firing 4 very rapid shots, switching to the shield again just as the wall of flame hit him again, charring the edges of his right cuff.

"Damnit." He barked through the mask. Expecting the flames to let up and instead, feeling the impact of an iron boot impacting him with the force of a small vehicle collision. The flames let off, and he fell back, blocking a rather impressive stomp that sent a jolt of pain through his left blocking arm. He rolled and aimed for the fuel tanks, putting a shot through it. The left tank eruption rolled The German to the side and allowed Roman to flail to his feet and catch his breath. The German extended a hand to the concrete, stopping the rotation and letting the flames roll back on him. Roman fired another shot, detonating the tank and throwing him away from the explosion, caving in the side of a nearby van. Roman peeled himself out of the concave indention, and stumbled to a slumped stance as the shield sputtered and ran out of power.

"Experimental government paperweight." He said smacking it on the van as the flames cleared and The German picked himself up, dumping the mangled pack and smiling, not a scratch on him.

"Oh what the hell are you?" Roman sighed with exhaustion. The deep, gravely singing continued as he popped his neck and discarded his weaponry. Roman aimed for the face and the gun went click, the receiver jammed from the blowback. He sighed and slumped in frustration, tossing the gun and drawing his double edged short-sword, as if to reluctantly say "Come at me bro." with a sluggish hand motion. The German stomped to him and Roman ducked a left haymaker, slashing the blade across various metal buckles and strips of makeshift armor. A partially armored hand grabbed his collar and an another armored fist knocked Roman to the brink of consciousness, causing him to drop the sword and then another impact to the chest sent him airborne. Roman flew limply in a smooth arc to the top of a parked car, jarring him back to reality. He pulled himself from the top and slid to his feet, dropping to one knee and wobbling.

"Thasit? I got more, you got more?." He slurred as his left eye closed and began to swell. The beast strutted towards him and he swung, burying a combat knife in the German's ribs, breaking it off and then taking an iron boot to the face, sliding him into the middle of the road like a rag-doll.

Roman was running out of ideas...and missing a few teeth. He heard a gunshot and sparks flew off the hulking golem of leather straps and steel plates, barely diverting his attention. Roman looked to see Silver Bullet, racking a round in his rifle and firing another shot that seemed to do almost nothing.

"Run away, Priest...this is a demon you can't tame." said Roman, spitting blood.

"My death will have a purpose if it brings this devil back to hell." He said firing another shot that actually seemed to hit flesh.

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