Chapter 6 "The Spider Herself"

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Roman fired up a Cuban on the Balcony and gave it a good moment to rest. There was a slight breeze that day and he could just feel the crosshairs on his head as he stood in the open air and watched the city.

"Sir...I have the information you requested." said the ravishing Carla, approaching the balcony.

"Good work. Leave it on the counter. Did you get any information regarding the Ronin daughter?" he asked.

"She was seen in town earlier, speaking to another Surgeon, and later at the Graves Hotel with a young man."

"I would love to arrange a meeting with her, see if you can get something established." He said blowing a smoke ring.

"Sir, should I arrange this meeting at one of the safe sights?" she asked.

"Absolutely not...let her pick the place." He smiled.

"She is probably here to kill you, Sir. Are you sure it would be a good idea to meet her in a place of her choosing?" asked Carla.

"Of course. The Ronin Family has a very predictable way of Operating. She wouldn't team up, share the glory of a kill. No, she would want me all to herself, somewhere quiet and undisturbed. You know how she handles her a spider. She lures them in, seduced them, and when they let their guard down, she strangles them. You think I can't handle one lady with a piece of piano-wire?"

"I'm sure you can, but why take such a risk?" she asked.

"Why not? She can't do anything to hurt me, and I would enjoy the trap leading up to that moment greatly. And if I am to die, can you think of a better way then to die in the passions of battle with a beautiful woman who has seduced me and given me such a rush that I let my guard down? Besides, I killed her old man, and I like to paint a poetic picture. Can you imagine the thrill of it? As she makes her move and is narrowly thwarted by my superb reflexes, I can tell her it was me who put a bullet in her father's back. If that doesn't heat up the evening's events I don't know what would. I've seen her Operate before...she is beautiful when she is angry. How very exciting." He smiled proudly.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?" she asked, running a hand over his shoulder. "Something less professional?"

"Absolutely...but first I need a little work done from you." he said taking a puff. She rolled her eyes, practically throwing herself at him, and knowing damn well he knew it.

"Anything for you, Roman." She sighed, feeling a little ignored.

"Take care of that sniper on the HoshiBuilding roof for me." he said. Her attention perked up as she struggled to see anything from that distance.

"How do you know someone is there? That building is 2000 yards away or more." She said trying to coheres him back inside.

"I saw a flicker, about 8 seconds later I heard a round hit the balcony below this room. He or she is a good shot but not that good. 2000 yards is a very difficult kill to make and even I wouldn't attempt it. But someone is there and they understand that the balcony is fair-play...I even kept my cigar lit to give them something to aim for."

"And you expect me to take him out from that far?" she asked.

"Of course are a great marksman, but that is an impossible hit. I expect you to go to the HoshiBuilding and give them my card before they hit any of the expensive items in the room. Invite them to breakfast." He yawned.

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