Chapter 3 "Hell of a Bounty"

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Fine dining music played in the cozy restaurant as a familiar Antonio processed what he had just heard.

"Are you kidding me?" asked Antonio, looking up at a man who seemed to be enjoying a fine steak. He wiped his mouth on a burgundy jacket, similar to the one worn by the cleaners of the Organization lobby clerks.

"You really think I would make such an offer if I wasn't serious?" he asked, with food still in his mouth, washing it down with a fine wine.

"How long has the offer been on the table?" Antonio asked.

"Six hours. Nobody has made a move."

"Why?" Antonio asked.

"Because it's insane." replied the dining gentleman.

"Then why me?" he asked.

"Because insane is sort of your style." smiled the hungry man, placing a folder on the table.

"I don't quite understand. Sixteen million dollars to kill this man...and the contract buyer is the same guy? Who orders a hit on himself?" he asked.

"Little bit screwed up, isn't it?" asked the diner.

"He put sixteen-million dollars on his own head, and sighed the contract open, tonight. How exactly does one get paid for killing the guy who made the contract?" he asked.

"Because he came to us, and handed Havier a bank account number for 16 million dollars. He gave me 6 thousand just to spread the word."

"Why you?" he asked.

"Because he knows they are the only impartial party who will keep it safe. Most of you work for me and the ones who don't still respect me enough to know if they cross me that I can put a hit on them they can't handle. So the money is good, untouchable." He grinned, sipping his wine and making a subtle hand motion to tell the waiters to bring dessert. A fine silver dessert cloche was placed between them and it was revealed to be 2 glasses of scotch and a manila envelope.

"Details?" Antonio asked.

"Pretty simple. He requests no collateral deaths, and the timeline is open to the next 16 days, starting tonight at 10PM. He has sent out a bunch of gold coins to every major Surgeon and whoever brings that coin here with his blood on it, and Roman's head, gets the money. He also suggests that you try not to fight among yourselves, but we all know there will be plenty of that. If anyone kills a bystander, they are disqualified. If the coin arrives clean, disqualified. If Roman Blue arrives here with the clean coin after 10 Pm on the 16th night, the contract is over. Basic challenge, just never see them put one on themselves and available for any taker. The man has balls."

"So, it's a game?" Antonio asked.

"In a manner of speaking, yes. Roman is a very wealthy man."

"And he wants to die so badly he will pay for it? Or is this all just some kind of test?" he scoffed.

"I don't know and it doesn't matter. The rules are quite simple, nobody is forced to play, the money is real and you have my word that the game will be conducted within those guidelines. Maybe he wants to die, maybe he doesn't believe anyone can touch him, or perhaps he is already dying of something and this sounds like a more interesting way to go than a tumor or degenerative disease. Roman Blue currently has a few of his own contracts down on the book and he has never disappointed."

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