Chapter 5 "The Spider's Web"

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"He's a myth, you know." said a man with an Australian accent. He scratched his facial tattoos and sipped his coffee in a small nearly vacant diner. The waitress couldn't care less about her 2 guests.

"He's not a myth." said the Blonde, enjoying her pancake.

"How do you know, Roxy?" asked Tattoo.

"Because I've seen him." She chewed, giving a snide smile.

"Oh bullshit, you saw someone pretending to be him, maybe a man with that name, but not the Roman Blue that supposedly cut down 12 armed men with a shard of broken martini glass. There is no Roman Blue the legend. Roman Blue is a concept, a name given to whoever doesn't want to claim the job. You got a Surgeon that needs to be operated on and nobody wants the credit...I guess Roman did it. It's all bullshit. Roman is just stories and an old man who claims them. The contract is a statement." He yawned.

"For what? What kind of statement is worth that risk? The hit is posted on the board, it's legit, they money is good and you damn well know they wouldn't post it otherwise. Plus any opportunity to meet Roman Blue in person is worth losing your life." She smiled.

"Overrated old man. I've heard the line before...the best Operations are the ones that you never hear about, because a good surgeon doesn't leave a scar. Such bullshit, scars are the only way you know there was ever a cut. Convenient philosophy isn't it? The most revered killer in the world only has 6 confirmed kills. Hell I have 6 kills, and I'm not shit. Don't even have a name yet. So why does this old geezer with the same papers get treated like a god, and the rest of us young men with potential are just nurses? We can't even get our Surgeon's card until we get 8. It's because stories strike fear in the weak-minded. It's all mind games. Roman Blue puts a hit on himself and the best Surgeons in the world show up and he has half of them paid to keep the other half away from him. In the end, a lot of Surgeons will be out of practice, and he will get credit for every one of them who falls. He is giving his name a shot of adrenaline, eliminated half the competition. Those who doubted his greatness before will surely know now and dead men don't tell you the truth, do they? Dead men say nothing...and you may end up with them if you go after Roman." He said.

"Awe, you seem concerned. Are you just worried about me? she asked

"Damn right I am worried. Roman may be an inflated old man, but he has money and loyalty and there are people heading this way who you can't handle. Sure, you could take him old, shaky Surgeon with more bark than bite against my little sister and her 15 Operations streak in 3 years. He doesn't stand a chance...but I have some names of real killers who would eat you for breakfast. Shiva is in town, nobody even knows what he looks like and he has 39 confirmed Operations. The German...Hans...that man leaves building in ashes in his wake and he doesn't operate clean...he keeps his trophies and brings in the heart to confirm his operations. He has 29 conformed operations and at least 6 accidental ones who got in the way and weren't even on the books. They had a hit on him for a year and The organization lifted his ban from the city just for this contract, a Roman favor. He is probably one of them who will be guarding Roman from the others. His good friend Komodo, 29 confirmed Operations and he is only 29 years old. You think a man of his stature who has publically praised Roman's work would turn on him, or back him up? You don't belong in that pit with those killers, you're not ready, Roxy. I don't want you dying over a stupid crush on a hero that was made of words and lies. Roman is protected, don't go after him." He begged.

"You think I joined this organization and spend 6 years in Med-school learning to handle myself, so I could graduate to a full Surgeon and set records? When Roman Blue opens his vest and invited me to cut... I am going to just stay home and see who gets the credit, fat chance. We kill people, it's a dangerous business and you want me to back away just because The German is in town and he MIGHT be working for Roman?" this is why Father was disappointed in you. You are content being a nurse, content taking some risk but never rushing into the operating room. I am not you, and I am not content to clean the scalpels. Technically you work for me, so as my can either assist me or get out of my way, because I have work to do and dad believed in me...why cant you?" she asked.

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