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Hello everyone and welcome to The Seasonal Contests! This is a place for you to get recognition and constructive criticism for your stories, but also to have fun. I hope you will decide to join and also tag some of your friends so we can spread the word!

                                                                               General Info

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                                                                               General Info

➡️ There are prizes for the top 3 winners of each genre. The prizes are: a sticker, a shoutout, a permanent follow and your book is added to one of my reading lists. However, this contest is mostly for fun!

➡️ The awards will be held four times every year (see the timeline for details)

➡️ Any judges would be greatly appreciated since I there's no way I can manage the awards by myself; ALL judges get a sticker for their hard work and a shoutout (applications are released at the beginning of each season)

➡️ ALL stories must abide by Wattpad's guidelines

➡️ ALL rules must be followed

➡️ The password changes each season, so make sure to look at the rules right before you enter

Seasonal Contests [ Summer 2020-TBD ]Where stories live. Discover now