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Hello everyone,

There are now only 10 days left to submit forms for participants and judges  so here are a few requests and reminders:

🔸 ALL participants must follow their judges. Judges, make sure the person whose work you're judging is following you. This was stated in the rules so it should be done already,  but just in case someone missed it make sure to do that now.

🔹 For judges, all scores must be turned in by the deadline. When you send me all the results, remind me to send you a judge sticker via email. I am NOT responsible for keeping track of who I've given a sticker to and who I haven't.

🔸 If we don't get 5 entries for the Short Story genre (so 1 more) then only the results will be announced, there won't be any stickers. The same will happen for Random.

🔹The winner of the tag fest will be announced on the 25th of August

🔸 If you win in your category make sure to send me your email in PM so I can send you your sticker. Again, it's your responsibility to tell me your email, not mine!


So now, here's a question that a lot of you have been asking me in PMs:

If I am in the Summer Contest can I also enter in Fall?

I've been thinking a lot about this and although I originally said no, I changed my mind. Next season things will be a bit different. Instead of having 15 slots, there will be 14 in total. Seven of them will be with participants that are returning again and entering the same book to be judged by someone else and the other seven will be the newcomers. This does NOT mean that there will be two first-place winners  (one for the returning participants and one for the newcomers). It's just a way of organizing everything and it also makes sure that there aren't only returning participants, there are also newcomers. So, if you want to have your book judged again in fall by a different user then you'll just have to enter again.

Now here's the catch. If you come in first place, then great job! BUT you're not allowed to enter again in any of the future contests. Your book must obviously be good if it got first place so that is where you say goodbye to these contests. If you got second or third place then you're allowed to enter once a year, so you can enter again anytime in 2021. Also, if you're the winner of the tag fest this season and you don't win first, second or third place but you want to enter again in fall, a spot is guaranteed to be left open for you. You'll just need to tell me before I release the entry forms so I know to save you a spot in the returning participants of your genre.

I know this is a lot of info and might be a bit confusing so if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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Seasonal Contests [ Summer 2020-TBD ]Where stories live. Discover now