🟡Participant Forms Summer 2020🟡

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Today is June 1st, the day when this contests officially starts! I'm excited to host it and I'm sure you all are excited to participate! Good luck participants!






Book Link:

No. of Chapters and Status:


Rules followed?:


Tags (at least 5 people who may be interested in participating or judging):


Open = More than 5 slots are open

Almost full = There are 5 or less slots left

Last Slot = I'm sure you can guess this one but I'm explaining it nevertheless. There is only 1 slot left.

CLOSED = No more forms are accepted this season. Please don't comment any more forms if the genre is full. You can always come back next season!

You can look in the Genres for the Summer 2020 Contest if you want to see the exact amount of forms that are filled. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or ask me in the comments right here! ➡️


Please comment your form in line with the genre of your book.


🔷 Poetry [ Open ]

🔷 Short Stories (less than 5 chapters) [ Open ]

🔷 General Fiction [ Almost Full ]

🔷 Mystery / Thriller / Horror [ Open ]

🔷 Fan fiction [ Almost Full ]

🔷 Romance [ CLOSED ]

🔷 Action / Adventure [ Open ]

🔷 Fantasy [ Open ]

🔷 Random [ Open ]


Seasonal Contests [ Summer 2020-TBD ]Where stories live. Discover now