21. Our Secret

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"You fine?" Hoseok asked, getting up and walking towards the other boy.

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" Hoseok asked, smirking. He kept walking towards him until namjoon's back was pressed against the door.

"lost your voice?" hoseok asked, his fingertips ghosting over namjoon's jawline. He felt namjoon's breath hitch. Smirking, he tiptoed on his feet, his lips right in front of namjoon's.

"Tell me what you want" hoseok's voice was low, full of dominance and lust.
He let his lips touch namjoon's neck, smiling to himself when he heard namjoon sigh.

"I asked you something" his lips traveled up from namjoon's neck, whispering right in his ear.

"kiss?" Namjoon's voice was a whisper, almost inaudible.

"Couldn't hear ya" hoseok said, his lips continuing their torture on namjoon's neck earning him breathy sighs and deep inhales.

"let's kiss, hobi" namjoon said, his voice a little louder now.

"Since you asked so nicely" hoseok smiled. He felt a fire ignite throughout his body as his face edged towards namjoon, moving slow and giving the other boy to stop but was surprised when namjoon leaned in, connecting their lips and hoseok nearly melted at the feeling of his soft, thick and juicy lips against his. He couldn't get enough of him.

Hoseok let one of his hands slip to the back of namjoon's neck, holding namjoon's face to his as their lips molded together.

Namjoon's arms came around to wrap around his shoulders as he shifted closer.

"I've always wanted to do this" hoseok confessed, "always wanted your lips on mine"

Namjoon's lips parted when he felt one of hoseok's hand grip his hip, hoseok's tongue taking the opportunity to push through and meet namjoon's.

"So have I" namjoon said.

Namjoon moaned when he felt hoseok's other hand slid down and grip his other hip, pulling his body towards his own, their lengths brushing together.

"Hoba" namjoon moaned, gently pushing at hoseok's chest.

"I-i will stop" hoseok said, kissing namjoon deeply, starting to pull away.

"n-no" namjoon said, locking eyes with hoseok.

"Go sit on your bed" hoseok ordered, watching as namjoon moved to sit on the edge of his bed.

"Take it off" hoseok said pointing at namjoon's shirt and namjoon obeyed.

He took off his own shirt and watched as namjoon stared at his body. He ignored namjoon's stare though a small smirk grew on his face as he walked towards namjoon, disappearing before namjoon noticed. He stopped moving when he was just a few steps away from him.

He let his own eyes drift down namjoon's body and he couldn't deny how good it looked. his chest was toned and his skin slightly tanned. He let his eyes drift lower, immediately noticing the bulge in namjoon's pants.

"What do you want me to do?" hoseok asked.

"Touch me" namjoon breathed out.

Hoseok watched as namjoon palmed himself through his trackpants, his lips falling apart.

"Stop" hoseok said in a stern voice and namjoon immediately followed. He enjoyed how impatient namjoon got as he took his own sweet time to move towards him.

He settled himself on his lap first letting his lips press against namjoon's and his fingers threaded through his hair, his nails scraping over his scalp. Namjoon's hands clenched his hips as his lips moved with hoseok's, his impatience showing even more in his quickened movements.

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