Chapter 1

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Anxiety and Deceit stood in the main room of the bank watching as random citizens ran over each other in an attempt to get out of the villain infested bank, after a few minuets the villains attention was caught by a loud proclaiming voice coming from the bank entrance "stop there foul fiends" Anxiety almost laughed at creativities dramatics, almost. standing in the entrance was Sander's city's very own 'heroes' Creativity, Logic and Morality.

Creativity or as Anxiety dubbed him 'Princey', because of his prince like outfit minus the red mask which made him look as thought he had came straight out of a Disney movie, with his idiotic hero complex always made anxiety have to refrain from constantly rolling his eyes at every word that came out of his mouth. Creativity's powers mirrored that of Intrusive but Anxiety never gave it a second thought as he knew in reality those two were nothing alike but overall his powers did make him a constant thorn in Anxiety's side.

Logic was an interesting case as he seemed to be the only voice of reason his team had and therefore making his name a lot more accurate, he was wearing his normal outfit which consisted of a dark blue tailcoat, blue tie and black boots as well as a dark blue mask which protected his identity from the villains and public. He usually targeted either Deceit or Intrusive and left Creativity to deal with Anxiety, his telepathic abilities could always cause the villains trouble especially when they have flying trucks being hurled at their heads.

Morality seemed more inclined to save the citizens stuck in the middle of a fight rather then help his team mates at first but always ends up in the fight by the end earthier by fighting against Deceit and Intrusive with Logic or helping Creativity with Anxiety depending on who needed the help more but his main priority was always the civilians caught in the midst's of the battle. Morality's outfit was a weird one which consisted of a blue jacket with cat ears on the hood as well as a light blue mask to hide his identity but his childish outfit didn't that he was to be under estimated though as the villains had made that mistake in the past, Morality had the ability to control the wind and channel it towards one of the villains and easily knocking one of them down however the villains didn't worry about him as he only ever joined the battle towards the end anyways.

As soon as the heroes made themselves know Deceit and Anxiety split up to take on their usual opponent, Anxiety against Creativity, Deceit with Logic and Morality helping the civilians find a quicker way out of the bank.

"well its good to see you again Logic, I suppose you are doing ok?" asked Deceit as if he was having afternoon tea with an old friend and not fighting against one of his enemies "I'm doing quite alright, how about you?" Logic asked in return as he and Deceit got in to fighting stances "the same as you" Deceit replied as Logic gave a slight nod "ok enough talking, your going to jail for this" Deceit only smirked as he muttered a quick "we'll see about that" before taking the form of Morality and using his abilities to shove Logic into the wall and letting the fight begin.

Meanwhile Anxiety surrounded himself with shadows as prepared to go up against Creativity just like always "Another bank heist really Anxiety?" Creativity questioned in a clearly patronizing tone as he too prepared to go up against his enemy "I don't choose the locations, I just do the crimes" Anxiety sassed as he attempted to have his shadows grab onto the hero only for him to summon up a fricking katana and slice through the shadows "let the fight begin" Anxiety muttered to himself as he dove into battle with Princey.

The battle had been going on for a while at this point and at the moment Deceit had turned himself into Logic confusing Morality who had stepped in to help his team mate and was currently using was using Logic's telepathic abilities to throw chairs at the heroes from across the bank, Anxiety on the other hand was actually having a little bit of trouble keeping Princey from harming him as his over uses of power had caused him to become more fatigued as the fight continued meaning his powers were beginning to grow weaker. A few minuets later Intrusive decided to join in on the fight meaning that now both villains knew that the crime had been committed "WELL HELLO THERE!" Intrusive screamed before materialising a Morningstar in his hand waking Morality on the head with it promptly knocking him out.

The sudden noise caused Anxiety to be momentarily distracted but it was enough for Creativity to slice his katana down on Anxiety's stomach leaving a huge cute in his jacket which instantly began leaking blood, this not only shocked Anxiety but also seemed to shock Creativity himself as he had not been expecting to land a hit on Anxiety this battle. Anxiety fell to his knees letting out a loud "aaahh!" at the sudden pain in his stomach and the sudden nausea from blood loss.

Anxiety's outburst had caught the attention of the others and while the heroes seemed shocked the villains only rolled their eyes as Deceit called out "Intrusive! you know what to do" Intrusive gave a quick nod in return and turned from Moralities unconscious body and ran over to Anxiety and picked him bridal style in his arms, Deceit himself took advantage of Logic's distraction and transformed himself into Anxiety and causing shadows to fill the entire bank.

By the time the shadows dissipated the villains were long gone and had took their fallen team mate with them, the two heroes left standing quickly shock themselves free of their momentary shock and ran to assist their fallen comrade. Creativity took morality into his arms the same way Intrusive had done with Anxiety all whilst whispering reassuring things to his unconscious team mate.

The two heroes quickly left the bank, with one carrying the third, and made there way home as fast as they could so they could tend to there own injured team mate before going back out to hunt for the escaped villains once again.

They would get them next time, the heroes were sure of it.


This was a long chapter but I hope you enjoyed reading it, please comment if you wish for me to continue.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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