the day Sunday

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I had seen her everyday since she got put in that hospital. But especially happy when get to take her out of there. So I walked in the room 16 and iris noticed straight way and she smiled and smiled back.

"Hey babe the doctors said that we can leave after they get the discharge papersab for you to sign." As I told her face formed a ginormous grin.

"Thats fab, do you know how long that is goning to be?" She asked. I held uo three fingers. And her beautiful smile came back.

"Well looks like you ready to go but first before you leave just sign her." A nurse said

"Ok thanks." She signed amd I grabbed her bags in one hand and in the other hand I took hold of her hand.

Iris pov

"Thanks baby for being for me while ive in this hospital."I said to Christopher whilst giving him a smile. He smiled back but I could tell what he was thinking. He thinking that I was a hopeless and a gullible person and oddly enough his eyes was filled with sympathy for me. I dif not say anything about it and we walked out in silence until we got to the car.

"Do you need any help?" He asked me.

"Right thats it, just drop it, im fine stop treating like a little disabled baby I can do things myself. I don't need the sympathy for what happened and anyways it was my fault. If I want or need help I will ask got it." I screamed in his face without knowing.

"Ok sorry." He looked down at floor in sadness.

"No I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout, and I do appreciate your help but I really don't want you to smother me." I told him nicely.


I hope u like it so far there is loads to come so keep reading the abuse again. Also If u r interested I have a few other books and some more coming.

Please leave a comment for each chapter to say either what's good or bad and to what I should put in next thx XxX ♥ XxX ♡ XxX ♥ XxX

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