Part One: Sacrifice

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Bruce stood deathly still, his eyes wide with horror and fixed on the sight in front of him.

The battle raged on. Diana and the others fighting fiercely against an unknown army of aliens.

Aliens who seemingly had one goal: finding Superman at any cost.

Clark lay motionless on the unforgiving ground. Alive, but badly injured. A jagged piece of kryptonite plunged into his chest; not deep enough to be fatal yet, still, it's effects were quickly taking their course. The blood pooled beneath him, tainting the bright colors of Superman's suit.

Bruce's thoughts raced violently as he found himself haphazardly moving towards the body of his friend before dropping to his knees beside him. The sounds of the battle around them dulling to near silence against the ringing in his ears and the rapid thudding of his heart in his chest.

His gaze met Clark's, who's eyes were glossy but still so bright and somehow, despite everything, seemed to say that it would be okay.

Bruce raised a tentative hand to the kryptonite protruding from Clark's chest, eliciting a sharp gasp and wince from the other. It's point had dug into the flesh above his heart. Deep, but not deep enough; and Bruce knew that he'd have to act quickly and remove it if there was any chance to save Clark.

"This is going to hurt, just stay still." Bruce ordered with an air of false calm, but the brokenness of his voice gave way to his panic.

Still, Clark only smiled up at him and carefully moved his hands until they were resting gently over Bruce's on the kryptonite. It was a meek smile, a sad one even, that held a finality that made Bruce's heart ache; but it was sincere.

"Bruce," Clark said quietly, capturing the other's attention in full before continuing; "I'm sorry."

Bruce stared blankly at Clark for a moment, trying and failing to blink back the rising well of tears that threatened to fall beneath the cowl, before beginning to speak, "Clark, I- you don't have to apologize-" but before he could finish, he was silenced by another weak smile and Clark lightly squeezing his hand.

"I love you."

Bruce opened his mouth to respond, only to be interrupted as Clark's grip tightened around his and drove the kryptonite farther into his chest, piercing the kryptonian's heart.

Bruce's anguished shouts ripped through the air; however, being drowned out by the deafening ringing in his ears as Clark's eyes rolled back and his hands fell limp to the ground.

Suddenly, the darkness had never felt so suffocating.

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