Part Three: Morning Coffee

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The sun was rising steadily and Bruce pulled himself from his bed. Dick had left the room only moments ago after yet another sleepless night and Bruce let out a long, shaky sigh as he stood slowly and gazed vacantly to the world beyond his bedroom window.

He would never admit it, but he was terrified to be alone at night these days.

Dick spent most of his nights at the manor as of late, leaving early in the morning to catch the train back to Blüdhaven. Bruce knew that no matter how much he told Dick that he was fine and to go back home, the boy wouldn't listen; and secretly, Bruce was thankful for that.

This thankfulness only fueled Bruce's guilt, however, as he stepped into the kitchen and met his son's tired gaze.

"Diana called." Dick said quietly, sipping at a steaming cup of coffee, "There's a league meeting today, she'd like you to be there."

Bruce said nothing at first, instead making himself a cup of coffee and staring pensively at the dark, swirling contents of his cup.

It had been nearly three months now since Bruce had last been to the Watchtower. He had spent the better half of the meeting with his eyes fixed on the empty seat across from him before he had finally had enough and left.

He hadn't been back since.

Diana hadn't asked him to either. She, more than anyone had understood his outburst. She had been the first to reach him as he screamed until his lungs burned like the battle around them; the first to pull him away from the funeral when it all became too much. She had given him his space, but continued to call every night to check in, even if Bruce never answered.

If she was asking him to come, he owed it to her to at least try.

Still, he was dreading it.


His thoughts were brought back to reality by Dick stepping closer to him, his voice soft and thick with worry.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but Dick had finished his coffee and at some point Tim had wandered in to make himself a cup as well. They were both staring intently at Bruce, who suddenly realized he still hadn't said a word.

"Yes- Sorry." Bruce said, shaking his head slightly as if to snap himself out of his thoughts, "I'll let Diana know that I'll be there."

What harm could it do?

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