Part Four: Along the Watchtower

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The long, winding halls of the Watchtower felt like a faded dream; empty and cold, like so much of what Bruce had once found familiar.

The team's quiet laughter and conversation fell to silence as Bruce walked into the room.

He hated it.

He hated being treated like some fragile thing that could be broken at the slightest touch. Like the smallest reference to what had happened would send him into some sort of spiral; like they were afraid he couldn't take it.

He hated it, because it was almost true.

Even the great Batman could only ignore his emotions so much and that had become evidently clear.

Bruce was distracted, and it showed in his fighting. More often than not, Bruce came back from patrolling battered and bloodied and barely able to stand. He couldn't focus and he wouldn't sleep; and it was going to get him killed.

The rest of the meeting dragged on and Bruce was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice when it was just him and Diana left in the room. She stood quietly and made her way over to Bruce, leaning lightly against the table beside him.

"Thank you for coming." She said, resting her hand on Bruce's caped shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Bruce flinched at the touch, but did not pull away. Instead, he closed his eyes and let out a breath that seemed as though he'd been holding it for years.

"I spoke to Dick." Diana's voice was stern, but it held a softness that he hadn't heard in a long time. "He's worried about you Bruce, and so am I." She glanced towards the meeting room door, as if looking back at the rest of the team who had already left. "We all are."

Bruce clenched his jaw and went to stand, "I didn't ask you to. I can handle myself." He growled, making a stride towards the door before Diana grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

He inwardly cursed her insane strength before begrudgingly turning to face her.

"You can't keep blaming yourself for Kal's death." She said calmly, her eyes fixed carefully on his behind the cowl. "It was the only way to save the city and Kal knew that. He wouldn't want you to-"

Diana's guard was down and Bruce pulled his arm away, taking a step back as a new wave of heat rose to his face. "Clark's dead, it doesn't matter what he wants." He hissed, barely glancing up at Diana's shocked expression before trudging to the door.

This time, she didn't stop him, but before he left she spoke softly.

"He loved you."

Bruce paused in the doorway as a few stray tears bubbled over and fell beneath the mask.

"I know."

And with that, he left.

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