Chapter 25

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Everyone looked up at us when we returned. Pein and Konan came up to us.  "You look stunning."

I smiled.  "Thank you for finding this dress... it's perfect."

She nodded.  "I know you said not white, so I got as close as I could, Aya paired the shoes well."

I sighed.  "Couldn't get out of that one..."

She giggled.  "Now Itachi doesn't have to crouch as low, so all good things."

I rolled my eyes and then smiled.  "Thank you both for coming... I know it must have been difficult."

Pein shook his head.  "We wouldn't have missed it."

Ibiki came up and put a hand on my shoulder.  "Thank you for letting us walk you down the aisle."

I giggled.  "Minato was my first father and always will be, but you two have been fathers to me as well."

He nodded.  "I'm proud of you, kid."

I put a hand over his.  "Thanks."

When they left, I went to Chihiro, who was holding Neji's hand.  She smiled as we approached.  "That was... perfect."

I smiled.  "All thanks to all of you."  I glanced at Neji, who averted his gaze.  "You take care of her, and we won't have any problems, Hyuuga."

His emotionless mask broke as he smirked at me.  "Just don't give him too much trouble."

I chuckled.  "Watch me."  Itachi pulled a curl, and I smiled up at him.  "What?"  He shook his head, smiling.

Tsunade came up with Sakura in tow, I knew she was chastised at some point about Sasuke.  "Congratulations, you two."

Itachi dipped his head.  "Thank you, Lady Tsunade."

I looked at Sakura. Clearly, she was bothered.  "You have a question about Sasuke, I'm sure."

She looked at me quickly before looking away, but Naruto was there in an instant.  "Yeah! How'd you get him to come here, Sis?  Why didn't he stay?"

I sighed.  "Our relationship with him is not as complicated as yours.  We support him, in whatever path he chooses to take, be it with the village or without."

He frowned.  "You told me not to speak to him."

I nodded.  "I did."

He narrowed his eyes.  "Why?"

I met his gaze.  "Because we wanted him to be here for this... he asked that he not be bothered with returning to the village, and I agreed.  You have trouble controlling yourself, so... when it was time, we said our farewells."

He sighed.  "Not even a word to us."

I smiled and looked where Mikoto was talking to Minato.  "He spoke to everyone he needed to in his short visit.  For that I'm happy."

He followed my gaze.  "Yeah..."

I looked at Sakura.  "I know Tsunade told you much the same, but I'm in a good mood."

She sighed.  "It's just... why come if you were enemies?"

I smirked.  "Like I said... our relationship isn't complicated... what he said about what I did to him was true, but necessary."

She sighed.  "I guess..."

I put a hand on her shoulder.  "Itachi waited over a decade for the boys to graduate, then watched me get married and die before we went anywhere in our relationship.  If it really is love, don't force it... too much."

She smiled at me sadly.  "But he's okay?"

I smiled up at Itachi.  "Yes, he's fine."

She bit her lip and said no more.  Tsunade sighed.  "I don't know how you managed it, but it seems you do have a connection with him."

I smirked.  "Just almost kill him a few times, and he'll be your best friend."

She frowned.  "So you really electrocuted him."

I rolled my eyes.  "I don't know why everyone's making a big deal out of it.  He didn't die. It was a mere shock compared to what he actually uses."

Itachi poked my forehead.  "Stop it."

I rubbed it.  "Don't see you complaining that he was here."  He smiled down at me and steered me away from them, toward Hinata.  "You look elegant, Hinata."

She smiled.  "You look amazing, Sensei, and you do too, Itachi."

I snickered.  "No honorifics for you, Uchiha."

He shrugged as she giggled.  "Well, Uchiha-sama would be his official title."

I frowned.  "What?"

She smiled.  "His father's dead, Sasuke's a rogue, Shisui... well, we don't know what's going on with him.  He's the leader of the Uchiha now, by default."

I looked up at him, and he didn't look surprised.  "So..."

He shrugged.  "I never asked their decision when it was brought up to me, but I may be..."

I narrowed my eyes.  "We're exiled criminals, remember?"

He chuckled.  "I know... they'll choose someone else after tonight, I'm sure.  But if it is true... that means you are Lady Uchiha."

I grimaced.  "Nope... I pass."

He kissed the top of my head.  "I know."

Aya came over and began to usher us to our seats.  "Speech time."

I frowned.  "Why?"

She smirked.  "Cause what's a good wedding if the bride doesn't cry."

I scowled at her.  "I'm ready to go."

Itachi chuckled and took my hand as we sat.  "Behave."

I narrowed my eyes at him.  "Fine... if your kimino is ruined, don't blame me."

He smiled.  "Can't be as bad as with Sasuke."  He was right, Minato gave a heartfelt speech, which had me close, but Naruto relieved that with his much more lighthearted one.  Mikoto said a few words for herself and Sasuke, who apparently asked her to say something.

Finally, Itachi stood and pulled me up with him as I playfully resisted.  He kissed my head as he wrapped an arm around my waist.  "I want to thank you all for being here and for keeping all of this a secret.  We are honored to call you all our friends and family, whom we wanted to share this moment with."  I turned my face into his side, feeling myself start to tear up.  "I spent most of my life waiting for this moment, and I'm delighted that Kunoichi agreed to be my wife.  I promise to love and take care of her... to the best of my ability."  I heard a few chuckles and glared, which only incited more.

"I hope that we can continue to have all of you as a part of our lives as we go forward.  Thank you."  I heard glasses clink together and looked up at Itachi, who was smiling.  He kissed me.  "I love you."

I smiled.  "I love you too."

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