Chapter 27

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Itachi stroked my back. "Hmmmm."

He chuckled. "We need to go."

I frowned and snuggled into his chest. "Hm."

I felt him twitch within me. "Kunoichi...."

I wrapped my arms around him and bit his nipple and he started getting harder. "Hm?"

He rolled, fully erect, and pushed himself deeper. "You will be the end of me..." I smirked and kissed him, and he slowly moved. He gripped my hair and pulled, increasing his pace, and I gasped. He invaded my mouth, and I wrapped my legs around him, matching his strokes. I felt a rumbling in his chest and bit his lower lip.

He grabbed my hips and thrust harder, and I cried out, making him smirk. He drove his shaft deeper and harder until we came apart again. I dug my nails into his back as we came, and he eased out of me. I sighed in disappointment, feeling empty when he did. He kissed my cheek before picking me up and going to the bathroom.

He turned on the shower and stepped in. "Itachi!" I screamed and jumped out of his arms as freezing water struck me.

He pulled me back to him, grabbing a cloth. "Would've been warm if..." He washed between my legs as the water started to warm. I scowled and grabbed a cloth, beginning to clean him as well.

He grinded his teeth together, and I smiled. "Haven't had enough, Uchiha?" He hardened under my touch but pulled my hand away, letting the water wash the soap from our bodies, and I pouted. "Where are we going?"

He smirked. "You'll see..."

He turned off the water and dried me off then himself. Getting dressed was no simple task as we kept distracting each other with touches and kisses, but it happened much to my disappointment. He looked back at the bed and froze, I looked past him to see why.

There was blood, and I took his hand in mine. "It happens the first time... for women anyway."

I looked at me and stroked my cheek. "It hurt?"

I smiled softly. "Only for a moment..." He nodded and led me away from the cabin. I looked back at it, I wanted to go back and enjoy our time together, but he had other plans. We came out at a dock, and a ferryman waited for us.

I smiled, recognizing him. "Old Timer? What are you doing so far from home?"

He chuckled. "Thought you would never show."

I sighed. "I was dragged here against my will as it seems..."

He shook his head and gestured for us to get on. "Come on, girl, we have places to be." I pouted and climbed on. He had a meal of fish and rice for us, and as I tasted it, I realized how hungry I actually was.

The ride was peaceful as we approached a sandy beach, and I leaned over the railing. "Where is this, Old Man?"

He laughed. "Doesn't have a name, no one on it that I know of." I looked at him curiously. "It's an island, girl."

I looked over it. "It's pretty..."

He nodded, and Itachi scooped me into his arms and leaped for the shore. I frowned and looked back at the boat as the old timer began to redirect. "See you two soon... don't be late this time!"

I smiled and waved as he left. "Itachi... are we stranded?"

He chuckled. "No." He grabbed my hand and led me into trees much different than what I was used to. They were tall with leaves only at the top, and bamboo was mixed in as well. At what I assumed was the center was a house made mostly of windows. It reflected its surroundings perfectly, almost blending in with the background.

I clutched Itachi's sleeve, smiling. "It's so cute!" He chuckled but bypassed it completely, going deeper in. I looked around, amazed at the different birds and wildlife around us. I could see him glancing out of the corner of his eye, watching my reactions.

Eventually, we reached a waterfall and lake, and the scene was breathtaking. The sun was beginning to set, casting red and orange hues over the water, making it stand out against the green around it. I released him and got closer as I looked around.

I started to climb the rocky cliff, and when I was at the top, I gasped in amazement. The birds were colorful and made the sunset that much more beautiful as they glided through the air and between the trees. We were surrounded by water, no land in sight in the distance. Itachi pulled me back into him, and I settled in his arms.

Too soon it ended, our surroundings turning darker blues and purples as the sun hid behind the horizon. "How did you find this place?"

He kissed my head. "A friend told me about it."

I scoffed. "You have friends, Itachi?"

He chuckled. "Hn."

I looked down into the water. "How deep is it, you think?"

He tightened his grip. "No."

I struggled to the edge. "Let go or you go with me." I teased.

He attempted to pull me away. "Kunoichi..."

I wiggled free and laughed. "Itachi..."

He tried to grab me again, but I dodged. "Don't..."

I giggled as he gave chase. "But you Uchiha love cliff diving."

He laughed. "Let's not bring that up."

I started removing my clothes dancing around him. "It'll be fun..."

He caught the shirt I threw at him. "It won't."

I was free of everything, but my undergarments, and teetered on the edge. "Let's find out."

"Kunoichi!" He grabbed for me as I backflipped off, just barely missing. I gracefully dove into the water and felt as he too broke the surface before swimming a little ways. I came up for air and looked around. I scanned the water, then the cliff's edge, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Ita-" I was pulled under, and he kissed me as we resurfaced. I broke free laughing. "Seeee... fun." He smiled and kissed me again, humming into my lips. Honeymoons may not be so bad...

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