I smiled at the brown haired boy during sunset and returned my gaze to the horizon. "Will you never tire of this, Lady Kunoichi?"
I giggled. "Do you, Taka?"
I could feel him watching me. "I just don't understand... the sun rises and sets every day."
I sighed as the final rays of daylight vanished and turned to him. "Each is beautiful, and each is different... I don't know why I like them, but it fills me with wonder and hope, so I watch..."
He averted his gaze, I could see his light blush even when covered in shadows. "Well then... I'll watch them with you..."
I took his hand in mine. "I would like that... very much."
We headed back toward the village, and he pulled his hand away, not looking at me. "They will not approve..."
I put mine over my mouth containing a giggle. "Are you afraid of what they will think, Uchiha? So unlike your clan."
He pursed his lips. "Aren't you?"
I smiled at villagers as we passed. "What can they say? We're just friends after all, right?"
Taka smiled. "Yeah..."
"Kazue... what choice do I have?" I looked at a muscular man, dark brown, long hair that hung loose around him. His eyes were a strange color of amber, uncommon in his clan.
He glared at me. "So you choose him?"
I put a hand on my heart as pain struck. "I would never choose him... not in this life or any other."
He took my hand in his, pleading. "Then, don't do it... we can find another way for peace."
I closed my eyes, unable to bear his gaze. "So... you choose war between our clans."
He squeezed the hand he was holding. "I choose you being happy rather than marrying a man for politics."
I moved away from him as I felt Shinobi approaching. "Many would die because of that choice, I can't have that happen."
Shinobi burst through the trees. "Kunoichi... they're looking for you."
I smiled at him sadly and saw the sorrowful look he gave Kazue. "So... they have decided."
He frowned. "They wouldn't even consider my proposition. The elders insisted you marry the heir."
I rolled my eyes. "Silly titles... that's all they care for."
He huffed. "Wouldn't even consider marrying me off... Sister, you don't have to do this."
I looked through the canopy above us, seeing the blue sky turn orange. "The sun is setting, Shinobi..."
He didn't bother to look up. "Kunoichi..."
I looked back at Kazue. "I will not watch our people die without just reason... tell me about him."
His face fell. "He is... strong and ambitious, he wants our clan to rise in status, and the elders look fondly upon it."
I nodded. "Is he unjust? Cruel?"
He averted his gaze. "No..."
I looked back toward the sky. "Kazue... would you choose to save one if it meant thousands would die in return?"
He looked at me, surprised. "No, bu-"
I turned to leave. "I do hope to meet you again... in the next life..."
He grabbed my hand. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Tears began to fall, but I smiled at him regardless. "Just as the sun sets and returns to the horizon, I will return to you, Kazue."
He released me dumbstruck. "Lady... Kunoichi..."
"Lady Kunoichi... you must drink or eat something."
I glared at the man kneeling before the door. He had short spiky black hair, even kneeling he was taller than me, and twice my size around. "Leave me be, Uchiha scum."
He only bowed lower. "Please... My Lord will be ve-"
I spat at him. "I couldn't care less about what your lord's displeasure."
Slowly, he looked at me. "Then... for me..."
I frowned as my heart skipped a beat. "How dare you?"
He looked pained. "Lady Kunoichi, how could I know? Please... don't die here..."
I slapped him across the face. "So, you would rather watch as I marry another man?"
He caught my hand as I pulled away. "No... I would rather you marry me instead... if it's so he can't touch you."
I laughed loudly. "Get out, you speak foolishness."
He stood. "Listen to me... he can not marry what is already married."
I shook my head. "They will kill you before we get the chance."
Surprise crossed his features. "Then you'd rather die."
I shrugged. "If this is to be my life, then yes... I refuse to fall into his hands willingly again."
He lowered his gaze. "I... should have never brought you here."
Suddenly, guards burst through and grabbed him. "You were told to stay away!"
I ran to them and tried to pull him away, but I was met with a steel clad hand. "Stay out of it, or you will meet a fate worse than his!"
I spat out the blood in my mouth. "And what fate is that."
His face twisted in sinful glee. "All traitors are sentenced to death."
I gasped. "He's no traitor!"
He laughed. "If Reiji had stayed in his place and stayed away from you... then no, he wouldn't be."
I frowned and concentrated on the men around him. One by one, they fell unconscious. "You must go."
He looked surprised. "Wha-"
I stood. "Now is not the time for questions... they will kill you if you don't go."
He pulled me toward him, and his lips landed on mine. "Come with me."
I was breathless. "He will always come for me, Reiji..."
He smirked. "I'm not afraid."
I smiled and nodded. "Then let's go."

Ashes (A Naruto Fanfic Book 6)
FanfictionIt's been 2 years since the Uchiha Massacre and life has been interesting. We are summoned to the Leaf for some unknown reason... do they think they can catch us so easily? I do not own Naruto or any of it's original characters. Credit that to Mas...