Chapter 31

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I tilted my face into the rain, and soon it began to slow, and I frowned. "He does this every time..." I mumbled under my breath, disappointed.

Itachi chuckled. "Gives everyone time to prepare."

I scowled. "I suppose... fireworks would be nicer, would look nice against an overcast sky."

Our ferry man chuckled. "Strange girl..."

I smiled at him. "After all these years, I'd like to think you're used to it."

He nodded. "Just surprises me every time... after all these years." The dock approached, and we prepared to jump. "I'll be here when it's time."

I smiled and waved once we hit the dock. "See you soon." Sasuke watched stoically as we went through the usual routine. I shoved bags in his hands as we passed by shops, and eventually, kids came to help. We circled around my apartment building, and blankets were laid out.

The kids were happily telling stories and playing when Pein and Konan arrived. I smiled up at them. "Do they never tire of this?"

I went back to watching them, enjoying their play. Konan sat beside me. "You're good with kids... always have been."

I shrugged. "Got my first set when I was four... kinda stuck with me."

She smiled. "I'm sure you'll raise wonderful children one day."

Itachi stiffened, and I sighed. "Who knows..."

She looked at me curiously. "I'm sorry... you both seem to enjoy them so much, I thought..."

I shook my head. "It's not that... it simply isn't ideal right now." I leaned into Itachi. We never did actually have this discussion...

He kissed my head. I know...

I looked up at Pein. "This is Sasuke... if he hasn't told you... he's your newest member."

Pein glanced at him. "He hasn't..."

I frowned. "Well, that's interesting."

He looked at Sasuke. "You killed Orochimaru?"


I raised my eyebrows, and Pein turned his body to face him. "Excuse me?"

I lowered my gaze, and Sasuke looked up at him. "I did."

I pursed my lips and blinked. He's as disrespectful as me... Itachi, I know you taught him better.

Pein assessed him for a moment, and Konan looked at him. "Seems you look like your brother, but your mannerisms are like Kunoichi's."


I put up a finger. "No, no... I have nothing to do with that." They all looked at me in disbelief, except Sasuke. "What?"

Itachi poked my forehead. "Both him and Naruto get it from you."

I rubbed it, pouting. "How do you figure?"

He shook his head. "Naruto goes around calling people 'Pervy Sage, Granny, and Old Man'... Sasuke, well, like you, doesn't recognize authority."

I rolled my eyes. "So... he gets the air of arrogance from your clan... I'm friendly... people actually like me."

Konan scoffed. "Until someone rubs you the wrong way. This is all you..."

I scowled at her. "At that point, they deserve it. I'm respectful when I want to be."

Pein was still watching Sasuke. "What do you think, boy?"

He shrugged and looked at me. "I don't see why people need titles... No one person is better than the other."

I pursed my lips. "Okay... it's my fault. Sasuke, that was not supposed to be the takeaway of that conversation. Itachi raised you better than that."


I facepalmed. "You did not adopt our worse qualities, brat." He shrugged a mocking gleam in his eyes. "Anyway... Pein, how are things?"

He finally looked away from Sasuke. "Fine... the hunt continues."

I sighed. "Figures..."

Peun looked back at Sasuke. "You understand the danger you put yourself in? The danger you put them in?"

Sasuke met his gaze. "Yes."

Pein nodded. "Then welcome to the Akatsuki... strange, she would allow you to join and not your brother."

I narrowed my eyes at him as Sasuke turned to me. "Why?"

I continued to look at Pein. "We had promises to uphold and... Itachi would be dead by now if he had gone."

Sasuke smirked. "And you don't think I'll die?"

I sighed. "It's not that... I know if I impede your goals in any way, you'll die faster."

He frowned. "Why?"

I smiled sadly. "Because like me... you tend to do more reckless things when someone attempts to tame you. This way, at least I know when you need help."

He averted his gaze. "Didn't ask for your help."

I chuckled. "I didn't either, but here we are. What will you do now? I doubt you will be a traditional member considering the circumstances."

He shrugged. "Like you... gather people I know will be useful and travel around."

I tilted my head. "Like me indeed... be careful, Sasuke, and don't get killed."

He nodded and rose. "I have no intentions on dying."

Konan scoffed. "That sounds awfully familiar. What're your goals, boy?"

Sasuke frowned. He didn't like being called that. "To become stronger than anyone else... so I can protect those I care for."

Pein sighed. "Very familiar indeed."

I rolled my eyes. "Better than most answers you would get."

Itachi stood and poked Sasuke in the head. "Be safe." Sasuke nodded and was gone after that, and his brother turned to me. "So... the Chunin exams..."

I stood and nodded. "It will be eventful this time... in the Cloud Village if I'm correct."

Pein looked between us. "Why bring him here?"

I smiled at him sadly. "Madara will use him against you too... to get to me. I wanted you to see he is no pushover."

Pein nodded. "Reminds me of him, actually."

I closed my eyes. "In strength, cunning, and attitude... yes, they are a lot alike, but Sasuke... something about him is different, and I hope that remains... if he allows darkness to consume him, then we'll have a much bigger problem on our hands."

Itachi looked at me curiously. "Darkness?"

I met his gaze. "Madara wasn't always this way... me fighting him at every turn didn't help." He continued to stare. "Just know that one day Sasuke will have to choose... when that day comes, I want as many people as possible to guide him to the light... he will need somewhere to come home to."

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