Through the Veil

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own HP or Spartacus. I own my story and plot and any possible characters I might add.

PLEASE READ ME!! AUTHOR'S NOTE: Let me first apologize like I did in my BTS story’s last chapter for just now updating. It’s like whenever I try to promise a certain time frame for updating to my readers, life gets in the way and doesn’t allow it. My personal life has been crazy since I promised to get this put onto this site. I lost a cousin who was basically my older sister, my other cousin who’s basically my younger brother turned eighteen and joined the Navy (Super proud too!!), my actual younger sister moved out from living with me (we’re completely fine and not fighting) and into living with her boyfriend of four years, I also had an extremely stressful and busy last semester which took pretty much all my time and focus when I wasn’t working. I’m officially done now, though, and graduated May 9th from college!! I’m very happy to finally be done and move on to finding my career!! Thank you all so much for your patience and loyalty and while I can’t completely promise anything I will say I’ll try my absolute best to update regularly!! As promised here’s my very first HP/Spartacus crossover from FFnet!! This is absolutely my fanfic and I am able to prove I was the one to post this on the previous site! I can also prove the others I plan on posting on this site are also mine from FFnet!! The only differences between the two sites that I’ve posted these on are my author name has changed and these will be edited and updated as needed. As you can also see I went on and posted the first six chapters of this story. I did so to make it up to all my loyal fans who have been waiting for me to post and update them on here as well as to give all my readers something to enjoy while I’m editing the rest! 



Chapter One: Through the Veil

Harry's POV:

I was still laying on the floor where Uncle Vernon had left me. He'd been gone for an hour now but I was just in too much pain to even think about getting up.

The summer holiday had only been on for three weeks and during that time Vernon had beaten me for pretty much everything. To make matters worse, not one of my so-called friends has bothered to write to me. Not even Sirius or Remus.

'Probably blame me for all that had happened at the Ministry.' I thought sadly and turned my head slowly so I could see outside some. 'Maybe it would've been better if I had let Voldemort kill me that day. That way no one would be in danger anymore.' I thought and sighed when I heard Hedwig tapping at the window.

Since summer started I had made a point to let Hedwig out for all-day hunting trips so Vernon couldn't touch her. She hated, being a smart bird; she knew I was being beaten, and frequently came back shortly after Vernon leaves to see me every time. I tried to stop her at first, but it was obvious that she wouldn't so I made her leave five minutes after she came.

Slowly, I began to stand up and tried to ignore the world as it spun and walked to the window to let Hedwig in. The second the window was open enough for her to slip through she landed gently on my shoulders and nipped my ear lovingly before rubbing her head against my cheek, not caring she was getting blood on her pure white feathers.

"Hey, girl, nice to see you today," I told her and she hooted softly at me and nipped my ear again. "Even though you're in danger here, it seems that you're my only friend, the only one who hasn't abandoned me here," I told her and she just looked at me with her big eyes.

I walked over to my dresser and got her a treat and petted her as she ate it.

"BOY!" Vernon yelled making me jump.

'He just left an hour ago and locked the door! What could I have possibly done now?!' I thought and walked, well limped, as fast as I could to the window. "Hedwig you have to leave girl! Vernon's coming back and he'll kill you if he sees you!" I urged her but she just clamped tighter to my shirt. "Please girl, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. Please leave, I'll be fine." I told her and she looked at me then out the window then back at me before nipping my ear once more and flew out the window but I watched her land on a tree directly across the street and stared back at me clearly saying she wasn't going too far.

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