Mountain Pass

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter or Spartacus or their stories and characters. I only own my story, plot, or characters.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This chapter marks the halfway point!! Because of this, I figured I’d only post four today then take a few days to edit more and posted six more here soon. I hope you enjoy the chapter!!



Chapter Sixteen: Mountain Pass

Spartacus' POV:

"Move out of fucking way!" I yelled as Gannicus and I rushed Harry through our people. All around us people were trying to catch glimpse of Harry as we carried him up the steps and into the infirmary.

"Naevia! Pietros!" I called and gently laid Harry down upon the table and gripped his hand while I saw Gannicus follow the action with Harry’s other hand.

Right now, though, I could not find it in me to care.

"Where is Lucius?" Varro asked rushing into the room.

"He stayed behind to give us a chance, where the fuck are Naevia and Pietros!" I yelled and felt Harry's neck for life.

A pulse was there, though it was much too small for my liking.

"Apologies, the crowd would not let us through easy," Naevia said rushing in and headed straight for Harry followed by Pietros.

"No matter, you two trained with Lucius, heal him," I commanded and they looked at Harry.


"You have fucking ears! Do as he says!" Gannicus growled and they looked to him before Naevia told Pietros to get what they needed as she examined the wound.

"The cut is deep, it is a blessing he yet lives." She said and took the water from Pietros as he ran in and began to clean the wound. "We will need space, see everyone to the grounds and we shall come with news when it is known to us." She said and I glared at her.

"I will not be from his side."

"Nor I," Gannicus said and they looked between us.

"I understand, but you being here will only lessen our space and the chance Harry will live." Pietros said as he stared at his friend.

I looked back to Harry's deathly white face and the blood all around him making him look even whiter and sighed.

"We will leave, but you make sure Harry stays," I said and walked out pulling a protesting Gannicus with me.

"Have you lost mind?!" he asked and I looked at him.

"Us being there will only slow down Harry's chance of survival. I want to be in there more than you do yet we must stay here."

He looked at me before shaking head and followed me to the grounds where the people fell silent upon our entrance.

I looked around them. "Harry is being looked after now, no news has come to me," I answered their silent question.

"What happened to place Harry in such a state?" Varro asked and I shook head.

"I do not know, a fight broke out and we all took to our own fights. It was not until we got into the wilds I found Harry again, and he was as you just saw." I said.

"Then let us hope the man that has done this met a painful end," Crixus growled and the crowd cheered at that.

"Knowing Harry he was met with Shadow's claws before he caught the first glimpse of the afterlife." I looked at them. "For now rest, and pray every second Harry lives." With that, they went about doing what they had been doing before we arrived.

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