Hour Two Part Two

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter or Spartacus or their stories and characters. I only own my story, plot, and any characters I might add.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!!



Chapter Twenty-Four: Hour Two Part Two

Albus' POV:

The three of us sat down at our chosen table to eat while Remus and I listened to Sirius try is best to get us caught up with what we missed.

Once he was done he sighed. "He'll probably repeat some of what he said to me when he sees you guys but that's what was said." I thought for a moment.

"What I'd like to know is why he looked to feel so comfortable in that arena he showed you. If what you said about it is true then he should've felt unwelcomed there too."

"I think it's because he's a tour guide, he's probably gone through that arena so many times that he's learned to ignore the feeling so he can do his job." I nodded slowly at him.

"Perhaps," I said not believing it for a minute.

"Well let's eat now. He'll be coming to get us in fifteen minutes and I wanna eat my food before he does." Sirius said biting into his sandwich.

"I agree with Siri, let's just eat for now," Remus said and I nodded and went on eating my food as well.

Once we were done we all sat back and I looked to the clock on the wall to see we still had about five minutes before Carl came back.

"So, what happened in the raid?" Sirius asked.

"They attacked Diagon Alley again. That's the fifth time this month." Remus said sadly.

"I thought they were attacking Hogsmeade?"

"They were, though Hogsmeade was more of a distraction from the real raid. The raid in Hogsmeade only lasted maybe ten minutes. Our guards went up more when they suddenly apparated away. That was when Moody showed up and told us to follow him back to Diagon Alley." I answered.

"So what did they want there?"

"Don't know, I personally think this was more of a fun raid for them and not one with a plan," Remus said.

"That maybe, but I did see Lucius leave Flourish and Blotts. I don't know if he just went in to kill people in there or if he was looking for something. Though once he came back out all the Death Eaters left, ending the raid." I said.

"So then he must've been after something in that store. We need to get there and ask around that store if there were any survivors."

"Not to worry Sirius. I've already asked Alastor and Tonks to look around the place to see what's so important about it." I said and Sirius nodded.

"Ah, I see you two have finally returned." We all looked up to see a smiling Carl looking at us.

"Yes, I do apologize for the two of us suddenly leaving." Carl waved me off.

"No worries, I'm more than sure it was very important if you had to leave like that." We all nodded and stood. "Was your break good?" he asked as he began to walk.

"Very, Siri here caught us up the best he could with what we missed," Remus said wrapping Sirius in his arms.

"Very good! And if he said something that doesn't make much since I'll probably repeat it at some point during the rest of the tour." I smiled at him and nodded as I looked around.

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