Part 2

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The day of the National Music Festival finally arrives, and the band and a couple of Juleka's other classmates make plans to come early and set up. Luka stays in his cabin waiting when he meets another star coming down the stairs.

A girl with blue-black hair in pigtails, and bright blue eyes like his own, greets him nervously. Cute. He converses with her for a while, before heading upstairs.

And then things happen so fast he can only turn his head and watch. His mother, his own passionate mother, is turned with one of Hawk Moth's akumas into 'Captain Hardrock'! It's unimaginable and somehow like her at the same time. Luka tries to push it aside in his mind and focus on helping Marinette escape. When Ladybug and Chat Noir arrive, battling his mother and saving Paris again, he just sighs in gratitude.

The festival can go on, and their noise levels get approved by the orange-haired policeman. They're just about to start when someone comes onboard. Luka hears welcoming greetings from the others and just glances up when he registers the sight of the golden-haired boy from earlier. His heart thuds painfully against his chest, and he can't help but wince when the boy knocks into an old keyboard and falls over. 'Nino' helps him up with concern.

"Adrien! You okay, buddy?" Luka unconsciously steps closer, and waits for confirmation. Adrien. The boy I can't stop thinking about.

Luka ignores that thought when he sees 'Adrien' reach for the keyboard, exclaiming about how he loves its sound. Apparently he knows how to play it, and so it wasn't just to touch him that Luka reaches for Adrien's hand, inviting him to the band. A keyboardist would be useful, after all.

"Evening, everyone! Our name is Kitty Section! One, two, three!" As they play together, Rose growling into the mic, Luka looks back and shares a secret smile with Adrien, the brightest star in Paris.


Luka finds, in a roundabout way, all he can about Adrien from Juleka. And in the process, is hinted of the huge crush Marinette has on the golden boy. Luka just shakes his head and leaves Liberty, cycling away from his feelings.

But they catch up to him, and he walks with his cycle around Paris, trying and failing to put his situation into words. He can see Agreste advertisements almost everywhere he looks. And every blond head he passes makes him watch in hope, and later disappointment.

Music is simpler than words.

He sits on a bench overlooking the river, and pulls his guitar from his back. As he strums a few chords, his brain replays every moment he's ever spent with Adrien, from the beginning. Whenever the golden boy is in his presence, Luka pays undue attention to him, focussing purely on electric-green eyes, the tilt of his jaw, and delicate fingers tapping on almost every surface they touch. Luka frequently has to pretend to be absorbed in his music, to prevent others noticing his broken attention span nowadays.

The boy has a home in his brain, occupying a corner and taking up almost physical space. Adrien is his new favourite subject to think about. And it's impossible to stop. The high Luka feels drowns out reason, and he finds himself tracing keyboard keys when he's alone, a strange smile plastered on his face. Marinette's in the race too, but no one says she'll win.

His sister notices a few times, Luka's sudden uncertainty when caught raising suspicions. She turns away, pretending to ignore him and looking through the corners of her eyes for more evidence. And she finds plenty. When he is around her classmates, his body language changes completely, matching movements with, and almost diving into the eyes of a certain someone. He tries to keep it in check, but his feet are always inching towards Adrien, even when sitting. It was too obvious.

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